This time I'm putting Alby, the very odd human Celestial warlock (which is honestly amongst my least favourite classes tbh) and who is entirely based around the idea of a healing potion warlock, with his pseudodragon familiar, Leaf, up against Tranquillity, my voluptuous tielfling wild magic sorceress (sorcerers are amongst my favourite classes though)... given that they both have the exact same lower robes and boots. But come out very differently, partly due to body shape, but partly due to colouring.
I haven't played either of them yet... Alby was supposed to be my next character, but then the world caught fire and that never happened. And Tranquility was the first time I really built the character in HeroForge before I even had a proper concept. I just wanted to play around with colour and body shapes and tiefling horns, and then there she was.
Neither of them especially feel like characters I want to play in online games, so they'll just have to sit in the wings and wait for right now.
Moving on...
Yeah, I spent some of the weekend and a little of the beginning of the week still inside my head as per last week, but it got better as the week wore on. It also helped that I knew that I was in my head. It's certainly better than not being aware of same.
This week's soup was... less successful. I made chowder, only I think I sliced a lot of the ingredients too small, then possibly cooked it for too long for the size of said ingredients. So it was all a bit mush. Which I fixed by blending the whole thing... which was fine, but blended soup is always much less interesting and exciting.
And we had two DnD sessions this week... Wednesday and Friday, which will be the new normal for a little bit. Wednesday was pretty good, although we came a little too close to a total party wipe. So that was fun. For a specific meaning of fun.
Friday's game was basically 100% roleplay, which I love. But when one of your party puts it to your character whether or not their character sticks around... because for reasons I can't totally articulate, this character has worked my last nerve since about 5 minutes after I met them. And look, I wanted to say yes... but I just couldn't get past my characters objections. So we're looking for a new party member as of next week.
Fun times. Again, for a specific meaning of fun.
Also in DnD news, Critical Role is back, playing their first game since the middle of March. My Tuesday nights haven't been the same since, so it was nice to have that element of normalcy back... I mean they're all sitting between 5 and 20 feet from each other in the studio, so it's not totally the same, but it's better than nothing.
I mean it's not like they've been totally absent from YouTube or the world in general, but not as these characters, so it's nice to dive back into their world.
Otherwise, this felt like a long week. I don't know why exactly, but yeah, it just dragged.
Today was decent.
We did the supermarket thing. I'm having a second go at chowder this week. Without leek, which was the main issue last week. So we'll see how that works out.
Then we came back here, did the usual YubTub malarkey, Ma futzed around with the hat she knitted me, because the changes we've been attempting (and by 'we' I mean she) to make to the... wait, what's the rim of a beanie called? You know, the bit that surrounds the hole that you put your head in... anyway, that bit. This is the second time it's been changed, and it just isn't working. So we're going back to the original, because fuck it.
After that, we headed off to Cheap as Chips because Ma wanted a couple of rugs for her place. It turned out to be a pretty successful trip, I picked up some little notebooks and a bowl, because bowls are awesome... and I found a little storage case. Because dice. Because a percentage of everything is always about dice.
I had no idea now many dice sets I own, but it had 18 compartments, which I figure would be more than enough.
Turns out I have exactly 17 sets, plus a bunch of extra d6's. So that was awesome. And now all my dice are grouped by colour/set and I can see them all, because the box is clear. I mean it takes up like five times the room of my pretty little pencil case, and about twice as much as my wooden dice box. But it's awesome.
So that was it really.
Current mood:
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