
photo saturday: three loves of a scoundrel

pery and nathaniel - baker, bartender, husbands

This week's DnD Character Colouring Book is a story in three parts... and kind of accidental. I actually started with Part 2, but I'm running the images in reverse chronological order. And I've run a version of this before. This is my Out of the Abyss character post game in three different romantic entanglements. Firstly, with his husband and his final name/fate.

But I actually resized up the husband when I realised that the size difference wasn't right. Also I like the posing better.

I also finally looked at Pery's old sheet and realised I had named his husband at the time, but the name was, honestly, dumb. So I went with the second version I came up with. I also named the bakery. Because I think it had just been "Beestinger Bakery" in my head, but that absolutely didn't fit (and also, my other halfling Beestinger baker family use that name already), so it became the more thematic Scoundrel's End Bakery. Because, again, as a former Charlatan, keeping yourself accountable.

Also, Husband Nathaniel got a tattoo, because of course my boy's fantasy husband has a big old arm sleeve tattoo.

And the pose here is much better. Partially because their relative sizes are much more accurate.


pery and eldeth - prisoners, lovers, exes

Part 2 is where this whole thing started. I'd been redoing the other halfling Beestinger's family portraits, and tweaking various older NPC characters, because honestly, the difference between the quality of what I've getting out of Hero Forge now and back in 2019 is... extreme. And going down the line, I realised that the version I had of Pery's in-game love interest, Eldeth, was even older than that and, frankly, kind of terrible. So here's my boy in game.

Honestly, this definitely isn't the version of Eldeth that I had in my head during the game. But I also don't know that I ever 100% decided on what I thought she looked like at the time. So let's just say that this is the version I would have made had I been playing that campaign now.

And once I made her, I needed to do a shot of her and Pery together. Even though their lovestory ended badly in two different timelines, because, honestly, you can't flirt with your ambiguously bisexual disaster DM firstly via fictional characters and then IRL until he trips over his own feelings and essentially runs away to stick his dick in the first woman to blinks sideways at him and not have the very volatile in-game relationship go severely sideways. Honestly, my own fault for entertaining an ambiguously bisexual disaster.

But, it was, relatively speaking, good while it lasted. And I like the characters' little interaction here. And her blush.

Again, the sizing is kind fucked. Because the Hero Forge sizing is... massively inconsistent and doesn't scale appropriately. According to their calculations, he's a little over 3 feet tall, she's about 4'5". But when you measure them against any other scale, it just doesn't come out that way (making him 3'3" only puts her at 3'6"... and Part 3 is actually even worse... so what the fuck is up with that Hero Forge?).

But I already said "anyway"... so...

This week marked the return of Soup Season. Mexican Chicken and Rice soup... which honestly came out more stew-like, because while I love a rice soup, it does absorb all the fucking liquid. And, honestly, throwing a whole packet of Chilli Con Carne seasoning was a good call. It was a little intense at the start of the week, but as is always the case, it mellowed as the week went on.

I also didn't think I had enough ingredients and that it was going to be a little sparse. Turns out that that was a complete fantasy.

It was good though.

Thursday Night DnD was actually very effective. Granted we sidestepped what should have been the difficult third wave of the battle from the previous week with a well placed Divine Intervention, which turned out to be pretty thematically appropriate.

We also levelled up, so we only have one more level up before we're done. And I assume that's going to be right before the final fight. So, potentially, I might print out my Level 11 and Level 12 sheet this time, just in case.

Friday Night DnD was an exercise in "Don't Touch The Thing You Obviously Shouldn't Touch". And definitely don't touch it a second time once someone else touched it the first time. It also further reinforced that I will attempt to talk my way through any situation where that seems even remotely viable. And given this character's Charisma vs Intelligence score, he will just talk AT you yet make very valid points along the way.

Granted, this party's propensity to split the party, even when it makes sense to do so, may well be our undoing eventually.


falco and pallas - courtiers, conmen, lovers

Part 3 of Pery's romantic entanglements... in his previous identity with his fellow Charlatan and former partner, who, in a very different kind of game, would have shown up.

And while Pallas came out almost exactly right based on the feel of him in my head, I think that potentially, the original version might have been closer to Nathaniel from Part 1. This also came out way more "We Saw You From Across The Bar And Really Dig Your Vibe" than I originally intended. So much so that I both added a key to Pallas's hand and decided that they were also pretending to be married.

This is also where the Hero Forge sizing gets wacky. Because Pallas is, according to HF, 7'2" in heels next to Falco's flat 3' in the same heels. Does that vibe at all with what you're seeing in that image? No, no it does not. I mean, I already knew that their sizing was wack, but it's really only when you try and match up a gnome or halfling character with a full sized character that it gets weird.

Also, four years later, coming up with more info about these personas actually helped me to solidify what happened to Pery that made him have to run from Waterdeep before the beginning of the campaign. Because I didn't know about House Minstrelwish, the halfling noble clan who are basically house flippers and couriers. The two of them definitely did some dodgy dealing in that space.

I do love Pery with Falco's longer hair though. Predictably, I'd listed the looks for each of the different personas he had as far as hair style, colour and eyes were concerned. I also started to see the transition he want through when he went on the run. Changing clothes several times, getting his hair cut, and eventually waking up in an alley with a knife sticking out of his back before taking on the Pery identity.

Complicated little shithead.

Where was I... oh, yes... today.

Today can go fuck itself.

Or rather, the decision to close a bunch of streets in Norwood for an extended period of time over a weekend so a bunch of people can sit in the middle of the road and eat overpriced food and get enthused about sportsball can go fuck itself.

So instead of the straight shot from my place to the supermarket, we had to go the very long and overly complicated way. Doubly so on the way back.

And then after shopping, we went to Haighs to get our hands on the best of all things, broken Easter eggs. Only to find they had a space for the milk chocolate ones, but no actual product. Grrr. We'll try again next week maybe.

Also, I've said every single year that the broken Easter eggs taste better, which is mostly comedy, but it turns out that I was at least partially right after mentioning it to the woman behind the counter. Turns out that their Easter eggs have more cocoa butter in them because they're moulded chocolate, so they do taste different/better. Who knew?

That was it really.

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