
photo saturday: twosome

pery and nate - baker and retired adventurer, tavern owner

One of the very first instances of DnD Character Colouring book was this post... when we finished our Out of the Abyss campaign with the Thursday group. Back when I was still colouring things by hand in Photoshop.

A lot of both literal and figurative water have passed under the bridge since February 2020, but this week Hero Forge released their "two figure" models to everyone. They've been available to premium members for a while now, but this is the first time I've gotten to dig into it.

And while this isn't the first couple pose I made, I did very quickly circle back to my favourite charming little shit, Peregrin and the half-elf husband he picked up in the epilogue. Hubby (aka Nathaniel... I have no idea if I had a different name for him at some point, but really, the only viable answers were either Nathaniel or Jack, because of reasons) got a makeover... I'd designed a version back when we finished, but looking at it again, it looked clunky, so I just did it over. 

And the Pery model got a bit of a redo of the colours, because back when I made it I hadn't quite got my head around the colour options in the way I feel like I do these days.

What's interesting is that some of the choices I made in reposing Pery led to unintended consequences. There seems to be a slight nervousness or a sense of waiting for the other shoe to drop in the way his left hand sits on Nate's shoulder. I mean, I mostly did that because there's no open hand pose where the hand didn't actually clip through the shoulder, so I settled on that as an appropriate compromise, but it also fits. Because I think that there was always a sense with Pery of "waiting for the other shoe to drop". Good things happened, sure, but he was always waiting for the universe to balance out and drop a bad thing on his head to make up for the happiness he was feeling. And I don't know that that ever completely went away.

It's also very probably me reading way to much into it, but I just get a sense of how he feels from this, you know. It is very sweet though, and everything I could want for my favourite little charlatan.

I also realised that the only possible name for Nate's tavern is "The End of the Road". Because of course it is.


I made shit up for this week's dinners. I have vague memories of being a kid and having something we just called "savoury mince"... which was about as complicated as it sounds. So I made my own version this week. And it wasn't bad. Weirdly, I could kind of tell that I'd used the cheaper cut of mince than I usually buy, but at the same time, there was more of it because of that.

It was good tho.

One to keep in the back pocket for sure.

Otherwise, this week was all kind of me in a holding pattern for the rental inspection on Friday. I did the minor clearing up earlier in the week, hit the kitchen on Wednesday and then did the bathroom and the floors on Thursday. And, I'll be honest, it doesn't look THAT different. But at least I know I've given everything a big old clean.

The annoying thing was the inspection itself was between 3pm and 5pm on Friday. I mean, rude. But, as usual, I cleared out, went down the road to the Burnside Library and did my DnD prep. Mostly because the Norwood Library down the street is too fucking small and doesn't really have space for hanging out for two hours.

I also had to go back to that library earlier in the week when I discovered that a) the book I borrowed last week wasn't as interesting as I thought it was going to be (I expected biography, I got self-help), and for some reason it was also showing up as "overdue". Turns out the woman at the library hadn't ticked a box in the computer, so my card expired on the day she gave it to me.

Firstly, why is that even a feature? I'm very confused. Also, why doesn't the computer just do that shit automatically when it's a new number/card?

But we got it all fixed with pretty much no fuss. And I wandered around the three or four shelves in there and found a couple of more interesting novels.

Going back to Friday... of course the time when I needed to leave the house was the time it started to pour with rain. But it was all good.

I do need to remember that since my land agent sends me an email when she's finished with the inspection, I can just check my email on my phone to see when she's gone. In this case, she was out by 3:30. It's not like I was wasting time given that I was doing DnD prep, but it's still good to remember that for the future.

No Thursday DnD... we were all good to go until someone else reported the spicy cough. So, we're officially cursed. And we generally end up taking a break over Christmas, so at this rate it's going to be January before we come back together.

Granted I can't be too salty about it give that I was the one who pulled the plug last year due to moving related mental trauma.

Friday night DnD was good... our first time back in... three weeks.

No great developments... they're just getting where they're going. The real stuff is going to happen when they get to the main area in this region. We'll see how that all goes.


Today was... a non-event.

We did the supermarket thing, we came back here, Ma had a thing to go to this afternoon, so we didn't really bother doing anything, she just toddled off home.

Also... just for the record... and not that I'm complaining... but why the fuck am I deciding whether or not I should put a jacket on in the middle of November? Again, better than the alternative, and we definitely need the rain... but still.

I just hope that March isn't going to be a little punk ass bitch and drop a heatwave on is.


Current mood:

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