
photo saturday: adventing part two

hero forge advent - week two

Behold the terrifying spider person that happens when you try and display all the Hero Forge Advent Calendar items on one mini...

  • Current item count: 11 (including two hairstyles and the soccer ball as handheld or base item)
  • Current items I'll actually ever use: 3 (the feather dagger and the hairstyles)

 Granted, I think I've only used about three of the items from last year's Advent Calendar.

But I was worried for a little while there that we were going to be getting nothing other than (mostly useless to me) handheld items.

I will say, the modelling on some of these items is amazing. Especially compared with even last year's efforts.


This week has been... predominately horizontal.

Basically my back kinda gave up after last Saturday. And I went to see my chiro on Monday, she put everything back where it was supposed to be, but none of it liked that and made it's displeasure well known.

So I've basically been going back and forth between laying on the bed, struggling to get up again, using my cane, wandering around the apartment and only really sitting when I absolutely had to... like when eating. Or you know, right now. Because typing sideways is fucking hard.

And that's mostly been the key to it I think.

But my week basically boils down to going to the chiro on Monday, hobbling down the street to visit the library on Tuesday, and DnD on Thursday and Friday, mostly done from the standing position. I was supposed to go see my chiro again on Friday, but she had to cancel and now I'm going back on Monday instead.

Speaking of Thursday DnD... well... yeah, remember how I said things went south last week. We continued in a southerly direction for our last game of the year. So much so that one of the PCs died. And, my character, who is the closest thing we have to a cleric, let them die and left them behind.

I also invoked a secret that I, honestly, hadn't intended to. And I'm wondering if I actually needed to. I mean, I did in the moment, in order to get something done. But it's now going to be "a thing". I will, however, be very happy when the focus points at someone else and less at my... things.

But who would have guessed that when you make a character entirely out of secrets and lies, sometimes those things will come back to bite you in the ass. Who knew? 

Friday night DnD was a little delayed due to Other People's Plans, but it was a good session overall. And it looks like my pre-Christmas present/task will be prepping the final location.


Today was a big old pre-Christmas/Christmas prep supermarket shopping adventure. And that was it, because, honestly, see the earlier part of the post. And, seemingly out of nowhere, it was going to be over 30 degrees today, so fuck that.

That's it, basically.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go lie down again.

Current mood:

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