
photo saturday: adventing part three

hero forge advent - week three

Well... that's more like it... other than, you know, that nasty-ass tail.

This week's Hero Forge Advent items are much more useful. And, honestly, a lot more interesting, and kind of go together, at least a bit.

  • Current item count: 19 (including a heeled and flat pair of boots)
  • Current items I'd actually use: 10 (this week was a good week, although I'm a little iffy on whether I'll actually ever use the hoodie and the skulldrons)

Do I have a favourite item from this week... yes, the Archery Gauntlets. Followed closely by the books and the bodice. And yes, I probably could have squeezed everything this week onto the same model as last week, but honestly, it all got a bit much.


This week has also been predominantly horizontal. But much improved.

I did spend about three hours on my feet on Sunday making a certain food based item for certain people's Christmas presents (I'll be less vague about it next week since the deed will be done by then). It was a different version than I've made previously, but I'm very pleased with the results.

My Monday chiro appointment was rescheduled on Monday morning to Tuesday morning, because, you know, chaos is always an option. But I was feeling a lot better generally by Monday, and even more so by Tuesday, although I couldn't really sit for all that long without it being a problem. Hence the previously mentioned horizontanality. Which isn't a word. But should be.

Then Wednesday I finished up the books I was reading and returned them to two different libraries. Which meant firstly a wander down the street to what I am henceforth going to refer to as The Postage Stamp Library. Like, I love it, but fuck it's small. Where I grabbed something else from my "to read" list. And then a quick trip to the Burnside Library where I mostly just Wandered Around and Looked At Things.

Also, I'm enjoying this library thing because it means I can read new books and not have to rearrange my living room every time.

Friday Night DnD was... amazing.

I finally, finally, finally got to drop the reveal on Fluffy's character that I've been waiting to do since May. And it went as amazingly as I could have hoped. It was one of the things I was worried about from the additional stuff I added, whether or not it would stick the landing. Whether the build up he had in his head as a player matched what the reveal was.

And I know it was good because as we left, after we waved goodbye to Mr and Mrs, he just said quietly "Fuck you". Which as every DM knows is the international love language of a player who loves what you just did but knows that it will cause mental trauma for their character.

But it does mean that we are entering end-game.

Today was much the same as last week. A pre-Christmas "We bought too much stuff because of reasons" supermarket trip followed by not a lot of anything. Because, really, why would we want to be doing anything involving shops this close to Christmas.

Also, you know, sitting for long periods, bad.

Current mood:

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