2022... which, if you say it out loud, sounds like 2020 II... or the second 2020. And, honestly, nobody wants any of that.

This year is not only the International Year of Glass, as exemplified by the above image... looking through glass windows to see glass windows, also tastefully naked blonde man. But this year is also the year of both Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Mountain Development.

We'll get onto New Years Eve in a second, but because today is ALSO a Saturday, I need to do a real quick roundup first. Because screw this holiday season and things falling on Saturdays.

The only real points of interest were that on Monday I lost my mind slightly and started finding the boxes I had stored away for various bits of tchotchkes, pulled them all out, put things in boxes and filled the kitchen table with them. So... that's the start of that.

Thursday was both Supermarket Saturday and DnD Friday, while also being Thursday. So first up was the Supermarket with Ma... and it was much, much quieter than last week's shopping. Then DnD Night was... more talking. And making plans. And trying to convince a polar bear that he shouldn't be keeping secrets from us. And investigating a story thread that I probably should have looked into months ago, but didn't. And getting a spooky omen from the Frostmaiden herself.

Which brings us around to New Years Eve.

Now, normally my New Years Eve is the exact same shit as the year before and the year before that and the year before that and the year before that. And this year was... 90% that. But not.

So, I tidied the house as best I could with boxes spread over multiple surfaces, change my bedding from garish red and green to calm black and white, rotated the mattress, because otherwise I forget to do it, so once a year at the very least seems like a good idea. And then Fluffy came down in the evening.

Which means, instead of just sitting around on my own watching movies, I sat around with Fluffy and watched movies. Which is the 10% from the above.

We started off with a classic, How To Steal A Million, which I love, and which Fluffy had never seen... then we watched Encanto... and that is absolutely getting a review later. The funny thing was that mid way through the movie Fluffy's laptop, which we were using to play the movie onto my TV just rebooted itself and decided that it needed to take about half an hour to do a Windows update. Because that really needed to happen right then and there and couldn't have waited a couple of hours or until he shut the laptop down. So we ended up watching a chunk of Dirty Dancing, which, I realised, I'd never seen all the way through, although I'm familiar with the story.

But it eventually sorted itself out, we finished the movie, I big-cried (but not as far as ugly cry, but it was touch and go for a second there) and we then spent a good portion of time analysing the shit out of it.

And... for some reason, Channel 9 had decided to play You Can't Stop The Music starting at like 10:30pm rather than midnight. So we left that on for a bit before Fluffy started losing the will to live. So then it was back to YouTube to look up Encanto songs until midnight.

Then once we heard the fireworks, we wished each other a Happy New Year... and I drove him home LOL. Had things been slightly different, I might have thrown another old movie on, but, overall it was a nice night. Something different enough at any rate.

And then I came home, and was going to go to bed, but went to shut the laptop down and ended up messaging back and forth with Owlgirl for about half an hour. So that was nice.

Of course, then the first news I saw this morning when I woke up was the fact that Betty White had passed away at the age of 99, a couple of weeks before her 100th birthday. But that technically counts as a 2021 problem. Safe journeys Betty... thanks for you know... and also, for sticking around for so long.

Okay, bring it on 2022. I may not be ready or prepared, but... actually I don't know how that sentence ends... but, we'll get there.

Current mood:

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