2021, hey. How about that.

As always, I like to highlight one of the UN's International Years in my first post of the year.

This year there was a lot to choose from (not like 2018, seriously, what was up with that)... 2021 is the International Years of Peace and Trust, Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, Fruits and Vegetables, and the Elimination of Child Labour.

I went with Peace and Trust. Because we could all do with a little more of both this year.

Otherwise, I went through the NYE motions... I changed my bedding (which, thinking about it, makes it sound like I only do that once a year given I never mention it otherwise... which is not the case, it's just something I definitely do as part of NYE), I tidied the apartment, took down my few Christmas decorations, wrote my yearly wrap up post, made grilled chicken and potato salad for dinner, prepped bread for tomorrow and settled in to watch both Tom Holland Spider-man movies.

Sidebar reviews: Tom Holland is squeaky voiced, adorkable perfection. I could have done with an amount of the "Ned" character more rapidly approaching 0%. Zendaya's character was not what I expected. The second movie was better than the first one. Yes, Jake Gyllenhaal, yes. Some of the more interesting post credit scenes. Points for the Captain America one from the first movie.

After hearing the fireworks off in the distance, I finished up the movies just after midnight, was happy to see that Channel 9 was playing Can't Stop The Music, as is their post NYE movie tradition (actually it started here at 11:30, but I think that was just a time zone thing honestly) for reasons I don't fully understand. It's even mentioned on the CSTM Wikipedia page. Anyway, I watched maybe two minutes of it this year before commercials happened and I gave up and went to bed.

Today has been, as usual, a big fat nothing day... but at least I have DnD to look forward to tonight.

Current mood:

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