And that brings us around to this week's DnD Character Colouring Book... where after a random comment from one of my friends, I designed a character for a subclass that isn't even published yet... so we have Sister Lomea, the wood elf Twilight Cleric, who I made using a lot of the design choices that came out of last week's artworks. She's also my second lesbian character, since I just knew as I was putting her art together that she had a wife. Sometimes you just know, you know.
Just don't ask me how goddamn long it took to put that Elvish script around the top of her weapon.
Then, I realised that somewhere in the back catalogue was a character I first created probably 15 years or so ago, who was originally a sorcerer, but who would make a very different and interesting kind of druid. Which led to me making Blaze (not his original name... but the name he gave himself... I think he was probably called something basic by the orphanage like James Rose), the former orphan and human Circle of Wildfire Druid... along with his wildfire spirit, Ember (which is just some very cool phoenix art I stole from the internet).
So think of these are a character sketch more than anything.
Will I ever play either of these two? Who can tell. It will partly depend on how much they change the subclasses, whether I'm more excited by some of the other ones. I've probably played less than half of the ones in Xanathar's at this point... so only time will tell.
And if not, it was a fun exercise in character creation/adaption. Plus the artwork looks fucking cool.
This week's soup was a pretty simple potato, bacon and leek... blended smooth, which I haven't really done this year, because I've been enjoying the chunkier kind.
Thanks to SBS On Demand, I've ended up watching a slew of Jackie Chan movies... which is not something I'd done before. Not for any particular reason, they just never seemed super exciting to me. But they're fun. In most of the movies I've watched the female characters are often portrayed as complete idiots, and the commitment to stunt safety based on the post credits footage is insane to the point of lethal. But Chan is super charismatic, has amazing acrobatic and martial arts skills and they movies are a fun romp for the most part.
Wednesday's DnD game was decent. I mean we did have a character death, but the player concerned wasn't overly cut up about it. Otherwise, decent.
Friday's game was great... I mean it was mostly a shopping episode, but I love those. And we got a bunch of fun character stuff, which I also love. I will say that once we've shopped and done all the other bits and pieces, and schemed and plotted and whatnot, I wouldn't mind a big, fat, protracted combat session. Because it's been a while... granted the last few of those felt more deadly than I would have liked, but we've levelled up a bit since then.
I also had a really interesting and intricate conversation with Fluffy before we headed out, which was great.
And after the game, we worked out that there was a very high likelihood that at some point during my tenure in North Adelaide that we were all in the same place at the same time without knowing it... or at the very least all crossed paths at certain points. Which wouldn't surprise me, honestly. But is still kind of awesome.
Today we had good weather. Especially compared with the last few weekends. But actual sunshine and the ability to not wear a jacket and whatnot.
We started off with the supermarket... I'm doing something with chicken and soup again this week. Very likely including some noodles of some description. We'll see.
Otherwise it was definitely one of those "many things" supermarket days, especially given that the last couple haven't been, so I'd run out of a bunch of stuff. But overall, not that much different from usual.
Afterwards we did the unpacking and a truncated YubTubs, then headed into the city for a few errands. Not gunna lie, it's still weird. I mean it's probably going to be weird for... the foreseeable forever... but yeah, just going into town is weird. I would imagine going to one of the large shopping centres is even weirder, but we haven't done that in quite a while.
Anyway... we ran a few errands, nothing particularly exciting, and then called it a day. But it was nice to be out in the sunshine.
Current mood: