The weather, as they say, is shithouse.
Don't get me wrong, I love winter and rain and whathaveyou... but this seems to be less rain as it is brief instances of the end of the world... and then it goes back to absolutely nothing.
And that would be fine, if a) my apartment wasn't all kinds of freezing and b) those heavy rain falls didn't happen at moments when I either need to leave the house or am already out of the house.
But I digress.
Let's see, I've reached that point already where I get bored with soup before the end of the week. I mean the last one wasn't bad... it just wasn't outstanding.
DnD wasn't bad this week... my DMing streak continues on Monday nights, and I had an "old friend" (ie someone I met when I started playing who then disappeared for a while) show up and play on my table, which I enjoyed.
Wednesday wasn't bad... I played a character I haven't played in a while, spent a bunch of in-game money, got knocked unconscious (because this character ALWAYS gets knocked unconscious), but we emerged mostly victorious.
Thursday was... a premium Thursday experience I have to say... just the core Thursday group, with our original DM for these characters, fucking up an adventure in all kinds of new and interesting ways. It's weird that this is the character that a) was supposed to have a completely different personality, which only occasionally asserts itself and b) because I know her as part of that group, I know her probably the best out of all of my characters.
And because all my characters are more fleshed out versions of certain parts of my personality, she's 50% caring about those people she considers to be "hers" and 25% let me explain why you're wrong and 25% you're an asshole, go fuck yourself. Makes for an interesting time.
Completely unrelatedly, the newest Assassin's Creed game got announced this week, and unsurprising to anyone who's been paying attention, it's set in Ancient Greece. I was thinking about doing a whole blog post about it, but also realised I don't actually care that much. I mean some of the stuff I like... the dialogue options, the potential for same sex romance with characters, the fact that you get to play as your choice of a male or female character... all excellent choices.
What I don't like is the fact that THEY'RE NOT FUCKING ASSASSINS. We clearly saw in the previous game that the Assassin Order (aka The Hidden Ones) began with the assassination of Caeser in 44 BCE, whereas the new game takes place in 431 BCE... so 387 BEFORE the Assassins were even a thing.
Way to paint yourself into a story corner in about 37 seconds Ubisoft.
I'll also say that while it probably makes some degree of sense making an Athenian/Spartan divide to the campaign, I've always had much more interest in Athens than Sparta... so while that's not a deal breaker, it is making me that little bit less interested.
This also means that we know that the next game will be something along the lines of Assassins Creed Empire or something similar and be set in Ancient Rome, possibly even earlier still making even less sense.
Yeah, because clearly I don't care that much.
Next item that is taking up all the space in my head...
This is going to be a little vague, mostly because parts of this aren't my story to tell, but I need to get some of the other parts out of my head, or at least recorded somewhere so that I can look back and see how incredibly dumb I either was or wasn't.
I have a friend who I've always found a little bit flirty, he seems to do it with everyone, but he identifies as straight. Then I found out he's perhaps not as straight as previously indicated. And we started getting a lot closer, or at least talking a lot more. And he was still incredibly flirty and we sailed past a lot of normal conversation lines with pure abandon, with neither of us being particularly bothered by that (late night text based conversations will do that for you)... and then this week, after he'd been drinking we had a REALLY honest conversation.
So he has his own other issues going on, but he's also thought about the two of us together. And I'll admit, while I had entertained the same idea on more than one occasion, I had the barest of inklings that he was feeling that way... just something about our conversations and, I'll be honest, the way he looks at me sometimes.
The problems are many and varied... primarily, he's barely curious and has no experience... this makes me both a perfect person to be his first and also the worst. Because I'm not going to push him beyond his boundaries on the first go, but if it all goes south, I lose a friend and potentially fuck up things for a wider friendship group.
I'm also not sure if he's interested because he's interested or because he likes me (as a friend), I'm available and we flirt like crazy. And I asked him that, because we're way past not having those conversations at this point) and he doesn't know the answer. What I don't know is how long he's been having this thoughts... is it just since we started heavy duty talking? Or since we met? I have no idea.
So I'm completely unsure if he's actually going to accept my invitation to come over and hang out and chat tomorrow... and if he does, I'm not sure whether it's just a hang out with a friend who needs an ear, or if this is some kind of date, or if this is about sex.
Or possibly all three.
The sex thing I'm going to have to put back in his court... he needs to know why he wants to have sex with me before we do anything, because otherwise it's just a recipe for disaster. The problem being that he's very pretty.
The other worry is that I'm massively getting ahead of myself with all of this overthinking.
So, yeah... my brain is a little full.
Moving on to today...
I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing as far as soup is concerned this week... I'm considering making some sort of adapted version of Beef Rogan Josh... but thinning it out somewhat into soup. I have no idea. We'll see how it comes together tomorrow... or possibly Monday morning if my Sunday gets weird.
Otherwise everything was pretty average for the supermarket portion of the day... although much like the rest of the day, we mostly managed to fit it in between rain squalls.
It was definitely a day to be inside however, so we decided on a movie... and to head out to the new Palace Nova cinema on Prospect Road... because it's new, and we haven't been before.
It's not bad. I mean they definitely go with the "lets put lots of smaller cinemas in a place" over "a couple of big grand cinemas", but honestly, that's often a better idea. The inside of the building is sadly nowhere near as grand as the outside... and there's a whole "you can only go up via escalators" thing that's frankly a little weird.
But it was a nice trip to the movies.
We tossed around the idea of a brief wander along Prospect Road, but then threw the idea out since the weather was still questionable. And instead we went to Perrymans Bakery in North Adelaide and brought it back to my place.
So not a terribly exciting day, but at least we stayed out of the weather.
Current Mood:

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