
photo saturday: barbarian priestess

grimwarden lily - aasimar, zealot, barbarian

Welcome to a special edition of DnD Character Colouring Book... Barbarian March. I've been throwing so many barbarian concepts at the wall lately for the next campaign we play just to see what, if anything sticks. The issue mostly is that a lot of things stick for a little while, then fall off onto the floor once I come up the the next thing that sticks.

But given that I've made so many recently, I figured that I'd just run through a collection of them for the entire month of March. And, at this point, I could get most of the way through April also. We'll see about that though.

We start with Grimwarden Lily, who is what happens when I start out by thinking about a halfling and then pivot to the idea of an Aasimar who just happens to have halfling parents (because Aasimar don't need to be of human origin any more).

I was also slightly working with the idea of the old version of the Zealot barbarian, where spells that brought them back from the dead didn't need a material component (which I still think is a great concept). Now, instead, they just get to do a little bit of healing on themselves.

But that did get me to the idea of a halfling priestess who died, was brought back by her god in order to be his little divine champion. Which got me to the halfling god of the dead, Urogalan, who I absolutely want to use on a character eventually. Her mace I entirely cobbled together in Photoshop, because Urogalan is also a god of the earth. And because offerings to him sometimes take the form of uncut gems, it seemed appropriate.

asphodel and poppy - wives, priestess, potter

I also came up with who she was before she died, the halfling version and her wife Poppy, who is a potter, and the student/apprentice of Lily's (previously Asphodel... because an Asphodel is a type of lily) mother, also a potter. I made a couple of versions of Poppy's outfit. Basically she wears a lot of big gingham check dresses in various colours.


Not a lot going on this week...

The mini media review is American Gods. I read the book back in 2018 and enjoyed it. Or at least I have positive memories of it. My actual review from back then is a little light on detail.

The first season of American Gods covers, so Google tells me, about the first 120 pages of a 600+ page book. But also a lot of that is character set up, so I don't really know (without encountering spoilers for things I've forgotten) if the three seasons cover all the book or not. But we'll see. Eventually, because these DVDs are taking their sweet time coming into the library.

A little like the book, it is occasionally all over the place, with flashbacks, flashsideways and the like. But I enjoyed the season. Favourite character is absolutely Mad Sweeney for reasons I can't completely articulate, but I can say is actually not because they stuck Pablo Schreiber in a ginger wig. He also has a lot of scenes this season with the character I probably care about least... Laura Moon. I have a vague idea that I didn't really care for her in the book either. Emily Browning is doing a fine job with what she's given, I just don't know that I care for the character itself.

Bonus points to Gillian Anderson, because Gillian Anderson always makes things better. And I can't really think of anybody else who could have played Mr Wednesday other than Ian McShane.

Friday Night DnD went in something of a different direction from the way I thought it might. Yes, my character was off to beat up the daughter of one of the other characters. My solution, like many things in life, keep talking as much and as fast as you can until you figure a way out. Or a way out just presents itself and you just latch onto it with both hands. In this case, the plan I came in with was slightly getting away from me, as often happens, but thankfully the DM also had A Plan. Which saved my ass.

But because I'd been The Focus for much of the first half of the game, my character happily Went To Bed to let the other two get some spotlight time. It is that weird balance with certain characters who absolutely would go off on their own and do their own thing versus staying together as a group and making things slightly simpler for your DM. The Friday group as a whole does seem to veer more towards the former rather than the latter to be fair. At least in the last couple of campaigns.

And now, my character getting involved in a threesome with the some of the folks whose base we're currently sneaking into in order to potentially dispatch their leader is about to pay off.

We'll see I guess.


Today was fairly simple. Supermarketry as usual. And then a mostly pointless errand out to Mitcham Shopping Centre that didn't do much except letting us go for a drive.

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