photo saturday: holy sister

blessed sister dahlia - twin, acolyte, carer

So, around the same time that I did my Three Loves of a Scoundrel, I had dipped back into Pery's character sheet and looked at his background blurb. And remembered that he was a twin. And that his sister was a priestess (rather than being a full character class Cleric) of the halfling goddess Yondalla. Which I keep telling myself that eventually I'm going to play a character who worships her, I've just never officially gotten there yet.

Also my foray into making the rest of the family members for Belben meant that I was on a roll when it came to sibling creation. Plus, it's relatively easy to make an opposite gendered twin just by adjusting the Softness slider on the face.

Like her brother, I feel like Dahlia definitely has a silver tongue and the gift of the gab, she just chooses to use it in a much more productive and less... criminal way. Also, as a priestess of the Nuturing Matriarch, she had been lightening her hair for years... either with lemon juice, honey or cinnamon, all of which the internet tells me, is a way to bleach your hair without modern chemicals.

I do occasionally wonder what a conversation between the two of them would have been like once Pery reemerged into the world and let people know he wasn't dead. I feel like she probably showed up on his doorstep one day and let him talk himself out before she took a deep breath and told him how much of an idiot he was. Because, yes.

Also, this is a character I haven't played in over four years.... and he still takes up valuable real estate in my head.


The less said about this week's soup, the better. There's a movie quote (I think, but I can't remember the movie in question, just that it's a kid and they're talking about... food maybe) that says "some experiments are doomed from the start"... and this is very much one of those.

This week's mini movie review is actually, once again, a TV show. Two seasons of a show to be exact. I managed to get through the first and second seasons of Picard and have the third season sitting on the pile to watch over the next few days.

Normally I am very much not a Nostalgia Nerd. I would often rather see something new and unique than just another reboot or remake or sequel to something existing. However, I was a big Star Trek nerd (specifically The Next Generation, Deep Space 9 and Voyager, less everything else) in the 90's... and the Picard series absolutely found all my nostalgia buttons and pressed them hard.

Part of the reason I wanted to watch it was after reading about it in Patrick Stewart's biography. He didn't say a ton admittedly, but it was enough that when I realised all three seasons were available at the library, I figured why not.

I also have a vague memory that people had Very Strong Feelings about either all three seasons, or just the last season... but honesty, if those feelings were about the first two seasons... I get it. I disagree, but I get it.

Because they do do interesting things with both the character of Picard and both old characters and the few existing ones who show up. Some elements make sense, some absolutely do not. I'm thinking specifically of Out of Nowhere Lesbianism that literally made me go "whut", because there is nothing in the show to indicate it arriving, then bam, two female character hold hands in literally the last 45 seconds on the final episode of Season 1. I don't object to it, or think that those character wouldn't be into each other (although... honestly, making a couple of changes to scenes immediately before that might have helped a hell of a lot).

The cast of the first season in interesting... the series tries to gaslight me into thinking that Harry Treadaway in a terrible cheap black wig and crooked eyebrows is "sexy"... which is isn't. He's vaguely creepy and the character falling in love with him should instead be hitting him in the head with something heavy and running in the opposite direction. Everything about him says Creep Creep Weirdo, and nothing says Come Sex Me.

And it's just weird to me when they cast Australian Evan Evagora as a Romulan who grew up on a planet where LITERALLY NOBODY ELSE HAS AN AUSTRALIAN ACCENT. Whut? I could have gotten behind it if the people who raised him had the same accent, even if nobody else did. And I already processed Orla Brady as a Romulan with an Irish accent... but also, the character is fucking amazing, but Evagora just sounds... Australian. It's weird.

Also, I'm sorry, but Evagora is kind of a terrible actor. He's pretty as hell. He does fight choreo wonderfully. I enjoy the character. But he opens his mouth and it's not good. I mean, it might be that element of cultural cringe where his very Australian accent just makes me want to claw my ears off. And he does get better in the second season, but, again, he's not in most of that season for reasons.

I think I prefer the second season overall... the whole Romulan bad guy/B plot in the first season was kind of irritating. Mostly the aforementioned character played by Treadaway.

And there are elements of both seasons that I feel like didn't make a lot of sense, even though I understand why some of it was there. Also, some of it slightly suffered from them having to make a story that lasted over 10 episodes. There is absolutely some filler content in both seasons.

But, you know, overall I'm enjoying myself. And I'm very intrigued by what the last season holds. Especially after the end of the second season.

Friday was Chiro Day... which was good, because my back had been generally complaining for a minute. Otherwise I just did the wander of stores I generally do, then came home.

There was no Friday Night DnD because Mr and Mrs are still away. And Fluffy was, I think, doing a work thing... so there wasn't even a discussion of movie night. Which was fine, I had the last four episodes of Picard to watch.


Today was fairly breezy. Well, actually, it was misty and rainy... but you know what I mean.

We did the supermarket thing, came back here and after some footling around there was some crochet... which, in both mine and Ma's cases will need to be undone and started over. Because neither of us did the thing we were trying to do correctly. Such is life.

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