photo saturday: speak softly and...

lennox - fighter, ginger, hero

So... this week's DnD Character Colouring Book was supposed to be something else... then it was going to be a different random sketch... and then I decided I hated that one. And I went back to this, which is really just me messing around with the new staff designs.

Also, the fact that I want to play a redhead.

Let's not think about it too much.


This week was Halfling Everything Soup week. And what I like about that recipe is that, it does indeed, work with just about everything. I stuck mostly to the recipe this week... although I added celery, because why wouldn't you add celery.

I have a new neighbour... after, what... six months? Eight months? Not sure. She seems fine. Time will tell.

Thursday Night DnD was... stuff. But we're now in a radically different location, but no longer in a horrible temple to evil gods. So, good times.

Friday Night DnD didn't happen. So Fluffy and I did movies instead.

Firstly we did the Puss in Boots sequel. I'm not doing a review for it... it was perfectly serviceable. Bits of it are very lovely. The flipping between different animation speeds at certain points kept throwing me out of the moment. Not everything needs to try to be Into the Spiderverse.

And the plot is incredibly by the numbers. Which doesn't make it bad. I think it's actually the best movie in the Shrek movie universe after the original Shrek.


Today we did the supermarket thing. And then we did a run down to IKEA in order to get a pie dish. We bought more than just a pie dish. But, you know, nothing really of substance. For me anyway. I did buy more candles. Because candles.

Yeah, that's what you get this week... words are not my strong point today.

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