
photo saturday: dark skies

dark ship rust pole water

dredger rock hole


It's been a hot minute since I've been following a recipe and screwed it up to the point of complete failure. The last one I can think of was when I tried a different bread recipe and put one and a half tablespoons of salt in instead of teaspoons. But at least that was understandable at the time because I only had half a functional face... so I was a little distracted.

But back to the current fuckup.

I attempted to make the chili recipe from the DnD cookbook. I say attempted because it was a disaster from start to finish. Part of the problem was also that I was making an additional one third to the recipe, so there was mental maths. But I had the same tablespoons for teaspoon problem as the above. I put far too many kidney beans, or alternatively the recipe just has too many kidney beans in it. And I put additional veggies in... and too much stock. So at the end it was both too sloppy, too beany and just tasted off.

In short, a disaster. And an inedible disaster at that.

So fuck that recipe. That's being consigned to the void until the heat death of the universe.

It also meant I had to improvise a menu for the rest of the week based on things I happened to have in the house, since I hadn't planned for anything other than chili for the week generally.

I survived.

It did give me a little bit of a sad for the first part of the week, exacerbated by local news of additional (admittedly minor) restrictions and whatnot.

Moving on.

We're back to actual photos this week... with dark skies and what not, because the weather right now.

Thursday DnD was moved to Wednesday this week for reasons... and we had a character death. I mean, a little like my cooking disaster this week, it was a collection of individual mistakes, so while there's not blame to be spread, there is definitely character guilt to share around, so that'll be interesting for future games, especially since I'm running the following adventure.

*evil maniacal laughter*

Ahem... anyway. It was a good game, my character was, as the youths say, shooketh... it's going to have repercussions for future games... and, you know CHARACTER DRAMA. So there's that.

Being the start of the month, Thursday was Cut Your Own Hair day again... and while it's very weird, I guess it also makes sense, that cutting all my hair off when it was super long was actually WAY easier than trimming it back from about an inch to half an inch or whatever it is now... some variation on a theme thereof anyway.

Friday was firstly Chiro Day... and the receptionist scared me when she turned around to reveal her facemask with a pair of big red embroidered lips on it... I wasn't expecting it and threw me off so much I misspelt my own first name... so there's that. But otherwise I got all my spine bits adjusted as appropriate.

For reasons I don't completely understand, mixing the exact same (for all intends and purposes) ingredients together on the regular results in vastly different bread from week to week. This week was quite a small loaf relatively speaking, but pleasant enough.

And our Friday night DnD game went very well. We fought some beasties, didn't get eaten by yetis and my character got to tell a story I didn't think she was going to be able to tell either at all or not for a while... so that's always nice.

Today was... m'eh. But acceptable m'eh. We did the supermarket, I'm abandoning recipes this week and making my own soup, because fuck playing by other people's rules in a food preparation context.

Then we came back here and because going anywhere is too much of a pain in the ass right now, we didn't and just did the YubTubs until Ma toddled off home.

So there's that.

Current mood:

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