
photo saturday: verticals

painted armsbird flags

taller bird flagsbeach flags
Every time I got to start one of these posts of late, all I can think of is this fanciful Tumblr post about very long queues while visiting the supermarket in the lead up to a snowstorm from 2016...
Day 27: we have created a new colony, hidden among the dried goods and Italian import section…we hear rumors of a similar colony in the frozen food aisle, perhaps we might trade with them.

Day 32: we sent a band of our people out to try and establish contact with the Frozen Food Peoples…they did not return.At night we hear screaming and tell ourselves it is the wind.

Night 33: It is not the wind.
The full version is worth reading.

So clearly, I've gone around the bend, yes? Honestly it's kinda hard to tell right now.

I did, however, decide completely on a whim to bake a chocolate cake at 4pm the other day. Don't ask me what day, they all run together for the most part. And then yesterday I got up out of my chair and started rearranging three shelves in my pantry. I mean it was good because I was able to work out what the fuck I actually had. But then I swapped all my remaining plastic containers for glass jars. That may have been a mistake, given the relative space I lost, but glass jars make me happy, so there's that.

Also, without context, this has made me smile a number of times this week, and I'm therefore recommending it to almost everyone I speak to.

You know how I regularly say that there is a day in March that starts out with me wearing shorts and ends with me in a hoodie? Well after a couple of false starts, that week finally appeared. Very late being the last week in March/first week in April, but better late than never.

But let's try and keep some sense of normality and backtrack to the start of the week.

Chicken noodle soup this week... using one regular chicken stock and one Thai noodle soup base. Not bad. Spicy enough to be interesting, but not overwhelmingly so.

I baked bread on Monday night, because having it with soup was more important than having it for Friday night.

If I do that again this week, I might make a whole loaf... although the fact that flour only comes in 10kg bags at the moment is slightly problematic. I mean I'll do it, don't get me wrong, but it'll only be really, really useful for as long as the yeast lasts.

This week there will be beef... something. Probably closer to stew, but aiming somewhere between soup and stew.

Monday night, Wednesday night and Friday night were all online DnD nights. Of the three, Monday was the best logistically... in so much as we had video chat AND online maps. Wednesday we had voice chat and maps. Friday we just had video chat.

Weirdly, my Wednesday character, one of my oldest characters, is on a bit of a downward spiral right now. I didn't make a decision that was going to happen. But the DM asked us questions at the start of the game during the last couple of sessions about our character's state of mind and what they were up to, and my character made some interesting choices. Ending up with her spending at least a couple of weeks taking a room in a festhall (ie brothel), drinking, fighting and fucking. Interestingly, while there isn't a ton of info on the place, I did find this:
The Velvet Doublet: A festhall that caters to the wealthy. Known to satisfy those with exotic tastes.
Yep, that's right up my girl's alley. She has a bit of a thing for the exotic ladies. And she's absolutely swimming in coin.

Anyway... the adventure was... frustrating maybe... I dunno. The combination of the enemy type (I'm pretty sure the adventures were chosen specifically because they exploit our weakness as a party, low intelligence stats), and if we'd run them as three 4 hour sessions, that might have been fine, but it's been five 3+ hour sessions with another to go, so by the end of this module I will be very much over it. Plus I'm playing with characters who do ridiculous amounts of damage, like 'totally broken, why does this fucking ability even exist within the game, wtf' amounts. And for some reason it's getting on my nerves. Not that they're annoying with it, but when me, as the spell caster, only casts like three spells in a four hour session, it's a bit frustrating.

I'll live, I mean compared with everything else going on in the world, it literally isn't important. It's just that when everything else is out of control, you look for those little things you can attempt to control, right?


Friday night's session was a short one, but we're scheduling another session for Monday to make up for it. And we might do that for the next few weeks, given that we've been all over the shop for the last little while, understandably for the most part, but still.

Today was a study in me being a judgemental bitch. Which is my default state, but when you have announcements at the supermarket that say "hey, we put big blue arrows on the floor, you should follow the arrows", and 90% of people do that... I'm going to be a judgemental bitch at the other 10%. Because stupid people who think the rules don't apply to them.

Otherwise, we bought more stuff than we should have. It's not even like we're "stockpiling", it's just that we keep buying more stuff than usual. Which is a problem. I think. I honestly don't know.

Remember last week when I said I had that human moment with the woman at the deli counter? Yeah, happened again with the same woman today, and turned into a very surface level conversation, but it was still nice. And the girl on the checkout was a little spitfire, but I liked her. I think she might have been mid-complaint about stupid people when we got there, and I always enjoy that.

Anyway, my weekly excursion over, we headed back here, did the usual YubTubs thing and then Ma headed home.

Welcome to the next six months, basically.

Current mood:

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