I've complained on previous occasions about how notice my current land agent gives me before rental inspections... I swear with the old one it was two weeks generally... this one, I got a message on Monday telling me that this Monday was inspection day. Thanks for that buddy.
But all I really need to do is wipe down the kitchen counters, clean the stove, clean the bathroom and mop the floors. And I am determined that it's not going to take me all fucking day.
Just means that I need to get off my ass first thing in the morning and get shit done. And go lurk at the library for a couple of hours on Monday morning... but I have some DnD related stuff I can take with me to keep me occupied.
Speaking of...
This week was much the same as previous weeks of DnD... running the Monday game, playing Wednesday, and then some variation of the Thursday group.
I don't quite know what I'm going to do with the Monday group in a couple of weeks though... I've taken them all the way through Tier 1 and 2 of the same season with a couple of small detours to get people across the line, but with the adventure on Monday I've finally run out of stuff that's even related to the same area. I may enlist one of the other DMs to take over for a couple of weeks, just to give me a breather and maybe allow me to actually play again on a Monday... but after that I have no idea.
We'll see.
Wednesday we finally managed to wrap up an adventure we started two weeks ago and then got derailed due to reasons.
Thursday we were without our usual DM, so the smaller group got together anyway and did the second part of a two-parter we started a few weeks back. And it was with our long running characters, so that was nice.
I was a little disappointed to discover that one of the players is planning on taking a break from DnD due to a scheduling conflict while he sorts out another part of his life. Understandable, yes... but still disappointing, because I like him a lot and enjoy playing with him (and honestly, out of all of the Thursday players, he may be my favourite).
But it's not forever (at this stage anyway).
Otherwise there was some cleaning, or at least clearing away of stuff in preparation for the inspection clean up tomorrow, and that was about it.
The finger is improving. I think. I mean it is, but it's harder to gauge when I see it all the time instead of once a week. But it doesn't feel as "pins and needle-y" as it did before, but it's still wrinklier than I'd like and the smooth part still feels weird. It'll take a while, I know that, it's just frustrating.
Today was... m'eh to be honest... but that may partially be because I have a huge headache right now.
We did the supermarket thing... we did the unpacking thing... and Ma had brought down a bag full of old (like 1950-1960 old) camera gear, so we went into the city to see the second hand camera dude who has some space in a vintage record shop (yeah, I know... but it is what it is). Sadly he wasn't there... but he was due to turn up in about an hour and a half, so we took the bag of gear back to the car, came back to the Mall and had a wander for a while, then stopped off at the shop on our way back to the car, found him there, went back to the car to get the gear, then back to the shop (it's not really any wonder that I have a headache).
And after all that, while he did take the gear off our hands, it was only really worth about $20, partially because the movie camera had no battery (and was a weird and gigantic battery) and the film camera didn't want to work (also we couldn't get the lens off for some reason).
But at least we didn't have to throw it all out.
That was it really. We had a five minute look at the redeveloped Rundle Mall Plaza and poked our heads into the homewares section at the back of H&M (m'eh), had a look in a couple of other places, but that was it really.
Current Mood:

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