
photo saturday: tales of the broken

spartan fall down part 1dry ship

red shipspartan fall down part 2
This week did not go according to plan. Which is also why this is a day late.

Granted, this week actually had very little in the way of an actual plan, but the wheels definitely fell off the bus in the middle of the week.

Long story short, I threw my back out again. Yaaaay. Not. And thankfully not in the really bad way I've done before, but enough to make me both go and see my chiro and take to laying down on the bed to watch stuff on YouTube.

Before that though, I made possibly the best and worst tomato soup this week. The best because it was SO packed with flavour that it was ridiculous... I roasted the tomatoes for about three hours in the afternoon, before throwing them into the pot with some stock and some tomato puree. That may have been the problem... I may have overegged the pudding as they say. It was just too damn tomatoey... but it was still amazing. I was very conflicted. However what I did discover is that frying up some mince and then adding a serve of the soup made the best bolognese sauce I've ever made.

So a serve of the soup went into the freezer so that I can do that again later.

Anyway, Wednesday morning I got up, went on my walk, came home, washed the dishes from the night before, started making breakfast, put the laptop on... then realised I needed to charge my phone... so went into the bedroom, bent down to pick up the cord and PING! Like almost literally "ping"... if I'd been in a Warner Brothers cartoon you would legitimately have heard that sprung spring sound effect.

And then I was pretty much the walking wounded for the rest of the week.

I called my chiro, and couldn't get in to see her, but did get in to see the other half of the partnership the following day... which helped, but it's taking it's time.

And I'd intended to go into town to the markets and run some errands on Thursday, so that didn't happen.

I did manage to get myself to Tink's place on Thursday night for my haircut though. I considered cancelling, but it ended up being fine, both from getting myself there and making it through the process of the haircut to be honest. And nothing new to report there... it was a pretty by the numbers kind of haircut.

Friday I essentially gave in and doing a little housework in the morning, I spend the whole afternoon laying on the bed watching YouTube.

Saturday morning was... interesting. I'm basically walking slightly below regular people speed, which for anyone who knows how fast I actually walk is basically torture. But being able to push the trolley around the supermarket wasn't too bad. Getting the shopping out of the car and up the stairs to the apartment would have been better if people who park in front of my apartment building could park like somebody with a brain and not just leave giant gaps that are impossible to park in but also mean that you can't park behind them. Annoying.

I did think that the drive up to Ma's to take her her shopping and pick her up for the Cabaret Festival show we had in the afternoon might be problematic... but actually it was fine. I managed to get myself in the perfect position, and set the seat a little more upright than usual which seemed to help.

It's still a long(ish) drive though, so I was glad to get out of the car.

And, also for the record, Ma is definitely on the mend. Her doctor is very please with her progress, she can start taking the sling off when she's at home and she may be able to start driving again (at least for short trips) in a month. So, big yay there.

After I'd had a stretch, we headed back to my place, stopping off at Officeworks on the way to find Ma a stress ball to use on her bad arm, then detoured just before we got to my place for a quick visit to the Haighs factory. Because of course.

Then we came back here for a while before heading into town to find somewhere to park and running a couple of errands before the show.

It ended up being something of a walk... nothing that neither of us hasn't done before... but given that my top speed at the moment is drunk toddler and Ma hasn't really done anything or gone anywhere that required much walking in what, three weeks now... yeah, we were struggling a bit. Especially getting caught in the tide of bogans headed to the football... and trying to both make sure I was okay as well as trying to keep an eye on Ma... yeah, not a lot of fun, I'll be honest.

Fortunately we were able to go straight into the venue as soon as we got down there, so there wasn't a lot of standing around... because I did a LOT of standing yesterday. If I wasn't sitting in the car or the hour I was sitting in the show, I was standing and walking. Which was probably really good for me, but not really something I can sustain on a regular day. And by the time we were heading back to the car there was just a lot of random noises from both of us at various times.

After the show we headed down to Burger Theory for dinner which was nice and then I drove Ma home before heading back. When I got back I essentially gave up on being upright and spent the rest of the evening laying down.

This morning my back actually felt a lot better, but I'll be honest, sitting down writing this may not have been the best plan ever.

But I was already planning to go and see my chiro at some point in the upcoming week... so that's definitely going to be a thing now.

Current Mood:

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