
photo saturday: elder park morning

morning rotundaforeshortened crane

raising the roof... or the sides... or somethingtrio of cranes
One of the upsides of having been part of the Nut House for seemingly close to 1000 years is that you know many things and people ask you for your advice, input, opinion and how to do certain things.

The downside of that is when everyone asks you that pretty much all at the same time.

That's pretty much the definition of this week... added to which is me doing things that are within my job description but not my primary task more than usual this week... and losing half a day to respond to a document that just made me cranky for the rest of the day.

But rolling the clock back a bit... Sunday I didn't do a ton of stuff, but I did make up a minestrone soup essentially out of my head. I mean minestrone isn't that complicated... you add bacon, you use beef stock, you put in zucchini (along with all your other vegetables), you add tinned tomatoes, throw in some beans and then some pasta at the very end. And I did something I don't normally do... I started frying the bacon and onion before I'd finished chopping everything and then ended up throwing it into my soup pot and putting it over a low heat, adding the vegetables as I chopped them which seemed to work out pretty well. It felt a little more frantic than usual, so I'm not sure I'll repeat it again.

Like I said, this week was kind of hectic... but on the up side it also went really, really fast.

Friday I had my monthly chiro appointment... and as has become tradition, I then went for a wander around the city, calling in at the usual places... Zing, Greenlight Comics, Haighs and Dymocks. And when I was finished buying all the things, I stopped off at Burger Theory to have an early dinner then headed home.

This morning was a bit of a wet one (although it fined up this afternoon), but we managed to mostly keep out of the rain on the way to the supermarket. I think I'm going to make some sort of chicken and chorizo soup... I mean I bought chicken, I bought chorizo, so, we'll see what happens.

After we'd finished at the supermarket we dumped everything in the car and then wandered around the corner to check out Brick + Mortar, mostly because Joshua Smith had some of his miniatures on display. This is the first time I've seen them in the flesh, and I have to say that the photos I've seen really don't do them justice. So tiny, so perfect, so lovely.

We didn't really have any other plans for the day, but a new GU Filmhouse (one of the Event Cinema chain) opened this week in Hindley Street, in the old cinemas that used to be a thing back in the day (in fact I went to the midnight screening of one of the Star Trek movies there in the 90's... either Generations or First Contact, I don't remember), so we figured we'd go and take a look and see the new Studio Ghibli movie (well, technically it's a French/Belgian/Japanese co-production).

On the way there we stopped off to poke around Morning Glory for ten minutes and I found some Pokemon related things... when we got to the cinema I swear that there were more people working there than actually seeing movies. And I thought that we may actually have had the cinema to ourselves, but as usually happens, people came in just after the movie had started.

It's a nice cinema, very comfy chairs and everything, it could just be somewhere better, since Hindley Street is pretty much a hole.

Afterwards we headed back towards the car and stopped off at the OzAsia Good Fortune Market in Elder Park. It's been quite a while since I've been in that neck of the woods though, especially since I walked along that stretch every afternoon after work. And in my mind that's still my neighbourhood. Even though it isn't.

Anyway, we wandered around the market and looked at things, then decided to grab a late lunch... had we committed to an actual meal we may have been okay, but otherwise it was all a little bland and disappointing. I'm also pretty sure the location looks better after dark when everything is lit up.

But that was it really...

Current Mood:

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