Okay, enough sarcasm...
One thing I didn't mention on Saturday was the fact that I'm now obviously much more used to my digital camera than the SLR, since on two occasions I held the shutter release on the SLR down too long and instead of taking a single shot, I took two shots in quick succession... hopefully both shots actually turn out, although they will be pretty much identical, so I'm not sure what I'll do with them. I'm guessing that the shutter on my digital is harder to press than the SLR, or else I've just gotten into the habit of holding it down longer... will have to keep an eye on that...
*does the "waiting to get photos back" dance*... Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait... I've mentioned it before, but I just love getting photos back from the lab... and that build up when you know you're going to be picking them up later that day... and then you can see what you did... of course, sometimes the reality doesn't match the build up, but on the other hand, sometimes it's better...
The other thing I didn't mention about Saturday was that I had my first banana for at least six months (since Cyclone Larry back in March... god, was it only March, it feels like so much longer than that!)... we decided to splash out since we were going to the Zoo (I don't know either, it sounded good at the time though) and get a couple of bananas... which worked out to be $1 each (and they were only the little stubby kind of banana)... and then after all that we didn't end up eating them at the Zoo. I have to say though... when I did eat one, it wasn't like it was anything special really, even though I haven't had one in so long... in fact it was pretty average. Oh well...
And for the record, it turns out that I actually didn't really get sunburned on Saturday... well... maybe a tiny bit overcooked, but not burnt... I'm not pink, my skin isn't warm to the touch (warmer than usual that is) and it doesn't sting when I'm in the shower, which are all usual results when I have been burned. My shoulders on the other hand are really sore, possibly only from carrying around my backpack... which wasn't really that heavy and is quite comfortable, but I just feel all stiff through my shoulders now...
Ma brought me her shredder down on Saturday, so I could dispose of all my old bills and bank statements and suchlike without having to nearly give myself RSI from ripping them up like I did a couple of years ago. Shredding is fun! But once I'd shredded all the bills and stuff that I had collected together for that purpose I decided that I really needed to go through all my drawers and see what else needed to hit the blades.
Not out of some desire for random destruction of paper products, you understand, but my drawers were collectively a pighole and I actually had no idea what might have been hidden away in them.
That led to a very long and drawn out process yesterday afternoon when I emptied every single drawer (well, except for the ones with my socks and underwear in them) in my bedroom and instead of doing what I've done in the past, where I pull all the drawers out of one piece of furniture, sort through it, rearrange it and then put it all back... this time I pulled out all eleven drawers, took EVERYTHING out of them, spread it all over my living room and sorted through it all before grouping it all back in sensible groups.
What a pain in the butt...
And while it was a GLORIOUS day yesterday, it did kind of get a little bit warm for my liking in the afternoon (although I actually don't know what the maximum temperature was yesterday), and that combined with a sniffly nose from all the dust (which I still have, and which is driving me mental) and just being annoyed with myself for having accumulated so much shit over time, it wasn't the most fun job on the planet.
But it was worth it... I now have almost nothing in the top drawer next to my bed, which is a massive achievement, since that drawer is normally filled to the brim with random crap... Hmmmm... there's a thought... leave it with me... let me mull that one over... sorry... where was I... oh yeah, top drawer, clean. And even better, once I'd sorted and organised and grouped and packed, the top drawer of my "desk" is completely empty now too. Woohoo!
Part of that was due to the fact that instead of keeping all manner of magazines (you know... THOSE magazines...) in the bottom drawer of my desk, I went through, tearing out whatever pages I wanted to keep or whatever, and then ditched the rest. This isn't the first time I've done it, I think it all started after I did my big massive clean up a couple of years ago, and I just didn't have room for all the complete magazines, so I started this system. I know it's not a perfect system, I mean what the hell am I going to do with all these loose pages out of magazines... but it's a start...
I also found my other mousepads in amongst all the clutter (I knew I had them, but couldn't have told you for the life of me where they were), so the old, nasty, dirty Winnie the Pooh one I had been using is out, and the (slightly irritating under my fingernails and could annoy me) sleek, red Triple J one is in...
Of course, on the downside, I literally can't remember where I put a damn thing, so finding stuff will be an adventure...
So that's it... possibly the shortest Monday Montage Musings for quite a while... which is probably a good thing, since I think they were getting a little unwieldy...
Current Mood:
1 comment:
Whoah Nelly!!!! BLUE ALIGATOR!!
OK, now come here and let me slather you with suntan lotion :)
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