
photo friday: wisteria

wisteria 2006Spring has sprung, and there seems to be wisteria everywhere in North Adelaide at the moment...

If I watched the show, I would probably be making a Desperate Housewives joke about now...

I snapped this on my walk yesterday... and what was interesting was that because I was holding the camera up to take the shot, I happened to catch a glimpse of the wisteria next to the image of wisteria on the camera screen... and I swear the image on the screen was a whole lot bluer than the very purple wisteria I was seeing with my own eyes...

It made me spend the rest of my walk thinking about how our eyes perceive colour as opposed to the way a digital camera does... maybe it also explains why I love purple so much, my eye is already skewed in that direction...

Current Mood: it's a glorious day... even if i have spent it all indoors