
just not right

escher's relativityNormally I would quite happily say that this Escher print describes the way my mind works...

And I'm okay with that...

But currently it also fairly accurately describes my mood... particularly the little guy in the top right corner who's peering over wondering what the hell is going on...

I don't know what's up... I just feel crappy... frustrated... stuck... out of the loop...

Part of me feels very argumentative... other part just wants to hide... but I can't settle to do anything either... I keep trying to read my book, but I'm only getting a couple of pages at a time before I have to distract myself from myself...

I don't like it so much...

Current Mood: uneasy


Nathan said...

Whenever I feel like that, I blame it on my "male period"... the one week every month when a man's hormones are dysfunctional, making him moodier than usual.

Feel better soon :)

Anonymous said...

thats true medical facts prove that men do get monthly perods also just without the