
my postcode

I snagged this one from Eddy, who was inspired by Steven, who found the Postcode Power site...

My Postcode
my postcode
Australia National Average
australian national average

Battle of the Sexes

47.81 % male residents
52.19 % female residents
50.89 % male residents
49.11 % female residents

My place or yours

46.24 % single men
41.47 % single women (top score!)
26.2 % single men
20.55 % single women

Naughty Naughty

8.36 % are living in sin!5.91 % are living in sin!

Diligence or Dunce?

45.5 % have had tertiary education23.4 % have had tertiary education

Aussie Aussie Aussie

78.4 % of residents were born in Australia84.39 % of residents were born in Australia

The Melting Pot

21.6 % Born Overseas
0.67 % Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders
45.09 % Born in Europe
16.45 % Born in Asia
3.08 % Born in the Americas
0.53 % Born in the Middle East
34.85 % Born Other
15.61 % Born Overseas
2.85 % Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders
59.2 % Born in Europe
9.07 % Born in Asia
2.59 % Born in the Americas
1.26 % Born in the Middle East
27.88 % Born Other

Saints or Sinners

2.89 % Buddhism
68.73 % Christian
0.87 % Hinduism
0.68 % Islam
0.24 % Judaism
0.73 % Other
25.86 % No Religion
1.26 % Buddhism
77.79 % Christian
0.28 % Hinduism
0.84 % Islam
0.32 % Judaism
0.51 % Other
19 % No Religion

Check out my ride

12.07 % own a Ford
6.86 % own a Honda
16.94 % own a Holden
16.71 % own a Toyota
5.12 % own a Mazda
4.62 % own a Nissan
8.73 % own a Mitsubishi
1.93 % own a Daihatsu
3.16 % own a Hyundai
3.11 % own a Subaru
5.99 % own a BMW
1.82 % own a Volvo
1.6 % own a Suzuki
0.14 % own a Fiat
2.3 % own a Volkswagen
0.64 % own a Jaguar
7.17 % own a Mercedes Benz
0.22 % own a Rolls Royce
0.03 % own a Maserati
0.78 % own a Porsche
0.06 % own a Ferrari
19.86 % own a Ford
2.86 % own a Honda
20.33 % own a Holden
22.55 % own a Toyota
4.04 % own a Mazda
8.19 % own a Nissan
9.38 % own a Mitsubishi
1.19 % own a Daihatsu
3.04 % own a Hyundai
2.45 % own a Subaru
1.04 % own a BMW
0.89 % own a Volvo
1.64 % own a Suzuki
0.04 % own a Fiat
0.76 % own a Volkswagen
0.19 % own a Jaguar
1.4 % own a Mercedes Benz
0.02 % own a Rolls Royce
0 % own a Maserati
0.09 % own a Porsche
0.01 % own a Ferrari

Sex in the City

9.28 % of population are sexually active
66.24 minutes spent having sex each day
8.47 % of population are sexually active
59.68 minutes spent having sex each day

Booze Hag

7.77 % of residents that are regular drinkers
112.46 minutes spent drinking each day
8.1 % of residents that are regular drinkers
100.89 minutes spent drinking each day

Couch Potato

52.97 minutes spent watching TV52.05 minutes spent watching TV


9.72 % of gay couples3.4 % of gay couples

Battle of the Bulge

80 Food outlets23.14 Food outlets

Lets' get physical

40 sports/health clubs14.83 sports/health clubs

Ka Ching!

60913 is the average income ($)38393.41 is the average income ($)

Current Mood: fairly non-committal


Sunshine said...

It's so unfair that you get 80 food outlets around you! *pout*

yani said...

LOL... The main street through North Adelaide, which is very close to my house, is basically wall to wall cafes and eateries... :P

And c'mon... you have 56... over twice the national average... you have nothing to complain about ;)