Okay, so I know Orlando wasn't actually a pirate, but do you think I could find a decent shot of Cap't Jack?
I'm also not just going to post a lot of random pirate lingo either... that's so last year... I'd like to get all philosophical for a second if I may... while checking out a couple of links for this post yesterday, I came across two things... the first was Yaaarrr! (Ye Auld Australian Association of Rum Riddled Rapscallions), the Australian homepage for TLAPD... and the second was Tori "Mad Sally" Baur's account of her experiences on the teevee show Wench Swap, er, sorry, Wife Swap.
Now the Yaaarrr! site says that they'll be celebrating TLAPD on September 23... which is Saturday, because, and I quote, "most 'o' yer lilly-livered, land-lovin' boss types don't like this sort 'o' thing in amongst the office cubicles" which would have made a bunch of sense to me if I hadn't then gone on to read Mad Sally's article...
Again, I quote...
True pirattitude means living your life the way you want to, with no apologies. It means never having to keep up with the Joneses, or the Davy Joneses for that matter. It means not settling for the mundane. Having pirattitude means having the courage to question authority, and knocking it on its arse if that's what's called for. Pirattitude means living and loving passionately, having a zest and zeal for fun and appreciating the little things in life like a homegrown cherry tomato, a dog who misses you when you're away at sea and rum. Pirattitude is seeing life for all its possibilities, grabbing the cannon by the balls and firing away into the unknown for the sheer adventure of living on the edge. Pirattitude means being free and living freely. And acquiring doubloons. And rum.
Which just says to me that the folks at Yaaarrr! have missed the whole point of TLAPD... well, other than the rum...
Makes me wish I had a little more pirattitude too...
But if all that was a bit deep for you, just enjoy this Pirate Day Wallpaper (via Robot Spacers) instead...
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I chose Orlando as my example Pirate too! I think he was described as a pirate when he was arrested at the start of the second movie, so that kind of counts? If not, well he's pretty.
Yeah, I went with the "he's pretty" defence too... especially in that pic...
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