So Hoodwinked it was...
I knew going in that the animation was going to be crappy... and boy, oh boy, was it crappy... Whoever was in charge of both the texture department, and the overall character design should hang their head in shame... I've seen better animation on Saturday morning cartoons...
Which was a shame, because it was actually a good story... a little Shrek-like in the way it came at the concept, but not badly done... and it definitely had it's funny moments... not many... but a few...
There are some nice little references that I'm sure would go over the heads of most kids but should have the parents smiling... including a direct lift of dialogue from xXx, and a couple of visual gags from the Mission: Impossible movies...
I was a little perturbed by a couple of the characters bursting into song though... I could probably have lived with out that...
From what I read the movie was made with a much smaller budget than something like Finding Nemo or any of the Pixar movies... and, like I said before, it really, really, really showed...
Oh, and I worked out the "who-dunnit" about a third of the way in...
yani's rating: 1 red riding hood out of 5
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