Because I've been doing a lot of what I like to call Character Sketches of late for my potential first 2024 character, this week's DnD Character Colouring Book Barbarian March has been through some iterations.
Originally the design was done for one of the former DnD Thursday friend, Samwise, while he was having Character Indecision. The original pose wasn't mine, but I did tweak it because the original wasn't quite working for me.
So I made a dual bladed wizard for Samwise. And then when he moved on to other ideas, because, honestly, I love him but he's a poster child for distraction, I ended up revisiting that character and turning it into yet another Aasimar Barbarian. But I was also reaching a limit on Aasimar. So I went back to my first loves. Halflings.
I changed the whole head, and the weapon (because as much as I liked the spear/pike that the Aasimar version was holding, there's something about a big ass axe), and swapped the shoes out for the same leg wraps as Havok had. And there was a little Photoshop fuckery to increase the size of the head of the axe.
The roses that tied the initial character to Chauntea, tie this one to her halfling equivalent, Sheela Peryroyl.
And he's one of those characters who I don't necessarily have a handle on a specific backstory, but I absolutely have a handle on a general vibe and I don't think it would take much to turn that into a backstory.
His parents were druids or clerics (probably druids, honestly, given his background feat provides him with knowledge of a couple of druid cantrips and a spell) of Peryroyl, he grew up in a temple in the wilderness, and while he felt no specific pull to follow the family calling, he did feel drawn to the wilder aspects of the goddess, the wild untamed lands and wild beasts. He started acting as an escort and guard for various halfling worshippers who came to the temple and travelled to many places.
And that's basically just me thinking on my feet. I'm not sure that Chasing-Bear is his original surname, so I might need to come up with an origin for that. Or, just lean into it.
I've also done the 2014 version of the Wild Heart Barbarian, so I'm not sure that this would actually be my choice for a 2024 character, I'm just very much enjoying his whole vibe right now.
Was this week something of a hot mess? A little.
Mini Media Reviews to begin. I tried to start with The Boy And The Heron. I put it on on Saturday night... and promptly succumbed to Ghibli Nap. I don't fully understand why, but a lot of Ghibli movies just start lulling me to sleep. And I realised about halfway through that I hadn't been paying attention for about ten minutes and had instead been reading the insides of my eyelids.
As soon as I turned it off and started doing other things, I was perfectly fine. So I gave up for the evening.
Next up was the 2019 version of Charlie's Angels. A movie that doesn't know how to either Charlie nor Angel properly. The script is laughably bad, there is literally no dramatic tension in working out who the bad guy is. Because it's so very clear from the first 5 minutes. The movie does try to pull a "it's not X, instead it's Y", but that also feels incredibly fucking obvious also.
In the 2000 movie inside of the first 3 minutes you know the names of all the women, you know what their history is, how they got to be who they are and what their whole deal is. In this movie... I know one of the characters was called Jane. Because it's the most boring name ever. I remember neither of the other characters. The movie wants to be both About Serious Things and also comedic. It fails at both. It's trying very hard to be Misogyny Is Bad: The Motion Picture, because the only "good" male characters are ineffectual idiots that contribute nothing to the plot.
Monday I managed to actually stay awake through The Boy And The Heron. Mostly because I was crocheting at the same time. More on that in a second.
Later in the week I watched Shin Ultraman. I haven't interacted with Ultraman previously, although I did watch the Shin Godzilla movie, which is part of the same collaborative project, if not the same cinematic universe. In much the same way that Shin Godzilla was a comedy without actually being a comedy, I didn't really understand the vibe this movie was going for. Especially since you have one character, Asami, who is absolutely an insane person. Not least of all because she keeps grabbing her own ass.
And because Friday was cancelled (more on that later), I did a double header of Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person and The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales. Both delightful in their own way.
HVSCSP is a dark comedy that is very French, but in a... suburban French way that I don't often come across in movies. If you'd told me this was a French Canadian movie I would have believed you, which isn't a dig at either country. Also, the male lead is definitely French Tom Holland, so I'm not mad about that. As much as I was slightly frustrated by the titular vampire for not wanting to bite people, I also realise that's the point of the movie. I did very much like the end though.
The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales is incredibly sweet. It's three animated stories that were originally intended to be half-hour TV specials, but were grouped together with a very loose framing device. Of the three stories, I think they potentially decrease as they go. I liked the first story very much, the second (and titular) story is sweet but a little repetitive, and the third one... well, that one would be good in December.
Monday I started working on a ribbing scarf for Fluffy that I told him I'd make him if he bought the yarn for it. He only did that about a month ago. So I was working on that on and off during the week. And started it on the same day that Fluffy went to get another tattoo that he didn't tell me about until he was literally in the chair. Which is an improvement on last time when he didn't tell me for literally weeks afterwards. Is there a requirement that he tells me? I mean, no... but also yes, so that I can both share in the excitement of upcoming tattoo and also live vicariously through him. And, also... not telling when it's MY BIRTHDAY WEEK... jail. Straight to jail.
Back to the scarf... It came out well. I still haven't 100% mastered the art of stitch it together in a way that looks good to me. And this should have. I married up all the stitches and did a ladder stitch between them all... and yet, it's still slightly on wonk somehow. And I did it three fucking times. The last was the best of the three, and yet still not 100%.
But now I have my Ketchup Red scarf and Fluffy will have his Mustard Yellow scarf... and if we go anywhere wearing them together (which mostly will be to Friday Night DnD), we will be Condiment Scarf Twins. Which I'm fine with.
I am planning to attempt a beanie with the remaining ball. The last attempt at a beanie was... questionable. I'm sure this attempt will also be... questionable. But at least then I've made him a beanie.
I also reorganised my books a little in order to get the books Fluffy gave me for my birthday, and all the other books that were currently sitting on top of other books, actually on a shelf properly. I ended up pulling out the three book safes that were mostly just taking up space.
There was no Friday Night DnD this week due to small people problems, but Fluffy and I also didn't do anything because he was sick... so DnD wouldn't have happened regardless.
Today wasn't much of anything. We did the usual Supermarket thing, came back here and I ended up putting on The Big Bad Fox. And that was that really.