I'm currently batting two for two when it comes to making Other People's Characters. Today's DnD Character Colouring Book winds the clock back to when I was running The Wild Beyond The Witchlight. And Mrs never managed to make a Hero Forge model of her character that she liked. I did attempt something at the time, but looking back on it, it definitely wasn't quite there.
So, after having Mrs decide that the version I made of her character for the current campaign was to her liking and she order the physical model, I went back to the conversations I'd had with her at the time about what was going on with her character, and pulled out one of the models that she'd sent me.
And while I didn't strictly follow everything she'd said, I did go with the underlying themes and with the added benefit of hindsight (and the many new elements that have shown up on Hero Forge since then), crafted Princess (and, yes, again, not her real name... while I might share the models, I am going to avoid using the names of other people's characters).
In the end, a large proportion of the key to getting her to feel right was the simple white outfit. There's already so much colour going on that any additional colours you add just tended to swamp her. Black would also have worked, but they weren't right for her character.
So after several days of very minor tweaks, I showed it to Mrs last Friday and sent her the link during the week. And much like with her current character, she messaged me towards the end of the week to say she'd ordered this model too. Which, honestly, feels pretty good.
I spent a pleasant couple of hours on Sunday putting together the LEGO Polaroid OneStep SX-70 Camera that Fluffy got me for Christmas. I did think that I'd lost a piece along the way, but it turns out to have fallen under one of the chairs, and I only found it after I was done.
I think I possibly screwed up the internal mechanism a bit... I think it's supposed to do a think that makes the photos pop out, but mind doesn't for some reason. Mostly I'm fine with that, because it's just going to sit nicely on the shelf with all the other LEGO cameras. But also one of the sides came loose this morning after showing it to Fluffy last night and Ma this morning, so I might need to take it partially apart because of the bit that came loose, so I'll just poke around the innards while I'm doing that, see if I can spot what went wrong.
It was a fun build though. It's been a minute since I did a LEGO build, and one of the things I really liked about this one is that a lot of the inner mechanical pieces were in the same rainbow of colours on the front of the camera/film box.
This week's Mini Media Reviews is just one movie. The 2024 remake of The Crow. And while there were some minor character elements that I felt were a little more fleshed out and interesting than the 1994 version, at the end of the day, the whole thing just ended up being... dull. Which, honestly, is the ultimate sin here.
Otherwise I ended up kind of rolling through some of the B movies from the 50's and 60's that just sit on YouTube. Nothing earth shattering, and a lot of them ended up being things that I mostly watched in the background rather than something I was fully paying attention to.
Friday was Chiro Day... I ended up wandering around the library in town after doing my usual wanderings. The city library's range is... slightly weird. Or feels that way. But maybe I just spend entirely too much time wandering the stacks.
Friday Night DnD was... the longest foreplay before a threesome possibly in history. Or, possibly the longest foreplay full of many bad decisions. Because when you state that you're essentially playing a bisexual disaster, and the first two of the very clear and obvious Bad Guys in the small town you walk into are a man and a woman and you decide to fuck with them by smiling at them when everybody else is afraid of them...
And they come back into the bar the next night... and it becomes one of those evenings when you just kind of roll with things. Also, you realise that you're getting a lot of unintended information from just tagging along with these idiots.
So now my boy has "joined" the Bad Guys, which is absolutely not going to end badly for everyone. But he also had himself a decidedly average threesome.
But the end result of all that is that for most of the first two hours of last night's game, I was basically running off on my own because events just kept unfolding. I didn't hate it. But I also definitely got out of the way a little bit once our characters were all together again, so I wasn't intentionally sucking all the oxygen out of the room. And everyone else seemed to enjoy themselves.
Today was a slightly weird supermarket day. It didn't necessarily feel like it at the time, but we ended up spending a bunch less.
Afterwards we went Looking At Things. Mostly the things in question were trying to find Sodastream bottles that seem to have been discontinued, and also looking at potential new kettles for Ma. We came away with none of that. Honestly, we came away with not much of anything really.
But that happens sometimes.
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