There are times when half of an idea leads you to a fully formed character just dropping straight into your lap. Thus was the case with this week's DnD Character Colouring Book. It started off with just looking at potential paladin ideas. And I also realised that I don't use that nice axe as much as I perhaps could.
And then I went with the missing/blinded eye. And I think that's when it all started to take shape. The claw marks, the whole vibe started taking shape as a take on the Woodcutter from Little Red Riding Hood.
So we got Marrok Strongbones, a woodcutter and farmer whose family/home was attacked and killed by a wolf... dire wolf... werewolf... I'm not sure... one of those. Werewolf is the most fun, but they also have 71 hit points, so that feels a little less doable for even a Level 3 character. I am formulating how that could work in my head though... because the new werewolves don't have the immunity to everything but silvered weapons that the old versions had. Which seems a little silly, narratively. I'm sure it makes sense to them mechanically though. And who is to say that he killed the werewolf, just drove it off.
There are a few little details I like... the wolf teeth and fur on the bracers, the ragged remains of the lumberjack shirt around the waist. The whole face. Also using the breastplate from this year's Advent Calendar, even though I wasn't sure it was ever going to be useful.
Marrok is definitely on a shortlist as a potential character, but it would have to be the right kind of campaign. Something with some definite lycanthrope theming.
This week has been a literal and figurative hot mess.
Literal because it got to over 40 by Wednesday. Figurative, because even though the temperature dropped to a more reasonable high 20's on Thursday, I was also without electricity from just after 8am until just after 3pm. I knew it was going to happen, but I was both slightly too warm without any kind of air movement in the house and also hugely bored. Should I have done elsewhere for most of the day? Probably. But I was also hoping against hope that they actually finished earlier than the time they said they were going to.
If the weather had been like it is today, I might have been fine... but sadly, twas not the case. I made it through, obviously, and smashed through the book I was reading and a graphic novel, but I still slightly lost my mind.
Thursday was also doubly weird... and I'll let me from Thursday explain why...
This is Dennis… I rescued Dennis from the middle of the footpath so he wouldn’t get stepped on. I expected Dennis to fly away pretty much immediately. Dennis had other ideas and I spent the rest of my morning walk carrying Dennis on my finger like I was a fucking Disney princess. I tried to drop Dennis off at the park, but Dennis was having none of it. Dennis stayed on my finger until I got home where he was last seen sitting on the hood of my car. Godspeed Dennis, and thank you...
So, yes... just like past me says. Dennis is a Tailed Emperor Butterfly, and based on how raggedy the edges of his wings were, possibly quite an elderly butterfly as these things go.
I also hope that the many people who walked past me on my walk and didn't ask me about the butterfly or otherwise seem to notice, actually went home/to work/out in the world and said to numerous people in their regular lives "hey, you'll never guess what I saw this morning...".
Basically I hope I was somebody's (or many somebodies) Interesting Story Of The Day. Or everybody is terrible at noticing things and they had no idea why I was walking along with one hand in the air.
It was just one of those singularly strange but lovely experiences though. Also, I have no idea why I settled on the name Dennis... it just popped into my head.
There wasn't really much of any Mini Media Reviews this week. I'd picked up the second half of the first season of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime and... no. Just no. I wish they'd finished out the storyline from the first half on the other DVD set. It was only missing two episodes. But the after that a whole new storyline starts, and introduces the point at which I absolutely drew the line. That point was Milim Nava. IYKYK. I could put up with Random Boobs in the first part of the series. But just no to everything about that character.
So, thus far, I'm not really finding anime that doesn't either squick me out (this) or put me to sleep (Jojo and Violet Evergarden). I might just have to make the executive decision that anime is just not my jam. Or at least not anything I'm getting hold of from the library.
There was, however, the 8+ hour finale of Critical Role's third campaign. I've enjoyed this campaign a lot less than the previous one, but this was a decent send off. It will be interesting to see where they go next. They are being uncharacteristically cagey about future plans right now though, which is slightly frustrating.
Friday Night DnD was... slightly delayed, but... eventful. We gathered some additional information, we didn't have to fight a banshee, which is always good. But remember last week when I said that my character joining up with the Very Obvious Bad Guys while in pursuit of a threesome was going to come back and bite him in the ass. Yeah, it already happened. Well, is about to happen, because my boy is now supposed to go and beat up the barmaid who is both resisting their control and also happens to be the daughter of Oldy McOldbeard.
I have... A Plan though. Well, part of A Plan that may be dependent on dice rolls, but at the very least, it's something. Because as much as I kind of would love to just let things play out as they would do without him there, and just deal with the consequences... that doesn't feel quite like my boy. I dunno... like I said, while there is the start of A Plan, we'll see where things end up going after I think about it for the rest of the week.
This week we definitely made up for spending less at the supermarket. And then not really much of anything.
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