Or you might not. Who can say?
This week's DnD Character Colouring Book are two of those characters.
Firstly, The Path of the Beast barbarian... I really like this subclass as it appeared in the first draft. And my other barbarian, Fenris, could very well have been this subclass. But instead we have Wrath... because why not have a creature who already has sharp teeth and claws and a tail when the subclass lets you attack things with teeth and claws and a tail. And Wrath... well, he was most recently a resident at a particularly harsh prison... and maybe escaped, maybe was set loose in the world, but in either case, he has kept his restraints, for when the beast inside gets a little too violent. I will say that so far he's the only character I've given visible chest hair to. Or stubble for that matter. And originally he was blue, but then I decided that the idea of an albino tiefling was too fucking cool and I couldn't not do it after I thought of it.
And he's side by side with Jab... Jabble Nucklestamp. And the Way of The Astral Self monk subclass. Now I'm not sure I will every play Jab... I'm not 100% sure I'm as enamoured with the subclass as I am with Jab's art. Because when I started designing Jab, I designed the astral version in the background. And then I saw this line in the flavour text... "they see their mystical energy as a representation of their true form, an astral self". That was when I realised that what I was designing was that true/astral self. So instead I went very simply... that character at the start of the martial arts movie who gets picked on by thugs, only to turn around and kick their asses. Yeah, obviously I've been watching a lot of Asian martial arts movies. And yes, most of the colouring is random textures sourced from the internet... but I like how it came out anyway.
There's also no truth to the rumour that during the last week and a half I have coloured approximately 130 models on the Hero Forge website... okay, there is, but shush. It's just so easy (sure there are a fuckton of bugs they need to work through, and I still don't really like all of the default colour choices) and fun.
My lasagne was... relatively successful. I mean the meat sauce wasn't the best, because I added a bunch of grated vegetables to it and it just lacked that full on meaty tomato taste (I mean if ended up fine, but during the making I wasn't sure if it would). And next time, I need to skip the ricotta, because, while it sounds like a great plan, it never really works. And after I made this one, I totally remembered that I thought the same thing last time. Second time's the charm maybe.
It also probably would have stood up if I hadn't put it into containers that didn't really let it stand up, and I'd skipped the ricotta.
I also attempted to make banana bread part was through the week. And I mean, at the end, I had banana bread... but it wasn't as sweet as I wanted it. Partially because I was using a recipe I had never used before and partially because the recipe called for brown sugar and I only had dark brown sugar and used that instead. Plus I should have ignored the recipe and added the third banana I had.
Wednesday's DnD game didn't happen. Nobody bothered to organise anything, and I wasn't really up for it when Wednesday rolled around, so when asked, I voted for skipping.
Friday's game was our first game in three weeks, and not too bad overall. The mozzarella and tomato bread I made didn't hurt either.
Today I overslept. Ma was getting her hair did, and I didn't actually surface until the point where I should already have been at the supermarket. Whoops. Not that it really mattered, I did the whole trip and managed to get home before Ma arrived. I hadn't unpacked or anything, but I at least beat her here.
And we didn't really do anything. We did the YubTubs thing, made plans for later, then eventually took a wander around the Village, and called it a day.
Current mood:
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