
photo saturday: boat-hat and frogs

vrak - licker, exile, helper

Weirdly, I thought I'd revisited this particular character at some point after his first appearance in DnD Character Colouring Book... you know, back when I was actually colouring them by hand in Photoshop. I did give him a do-over once things went to colour, but I went back and redid him again for this iteration. Is there that much of a point to it being as he's a character that I'm probably never going to get to play again? Not really. Do I enjoy doing it anyway? Yes.

Also, it lines up with the idea that he keeps finding more interesting or newer bits of clothing and armour and swapping it out... not that it's BETTER, just different.

To steal from the last post about him...

Firstly there's Vrak. Vrak is a fighter/rogue/ranger goblin who likes to lick things. He licks things he doesn't understand, in an effort to understand them. He licks things that may or may not be food. He licks things he absolutely should not lick. Vrak is a licker. It's what he does.

Vrak also put his armour together from whatever he could steal, scavenge or otherwise acquire, so none of it matches. And when tasked with an adventure that would take him onto the high seas, his only stipulation was that he wanted a "boat hat". Later he turned said "boat hat" into a magical boat hat that he can make produce a frog up to three times a day. This, obviously, involved him licking the inside of the hat, amongst other things.

And as far as I can tell at this point, Vrak's main aim in life is to Be Useful. So he's the character who will not necessarily attack the enemy, but instead go and assist one of his new friends. His ranger spells aren't the premier choices (Goodberry and Speak with Animals), but they suit him. 

 I do love the idea of him ending up as a Swarmkeeper Ranger and being perpetually surrounded by little spectral frogs. I also like the idea of him just lifting up his hat and his swarm of frogs just falling out of it. And even though I have his subclasses listed, I don't think he actually got to high enough level to trigger any of them... I think the last time I played him he was Fighter 2, Rogue 2, Ranger 2. So his full deal wouldn't kick in until Level 9.

What's super weird is that I now can't remember what he looked like before the hat. I think he was supposed to have a mask or a animal skull face plate or something (I have a vague memory of a frog skull helmet), but that never quite worked for me. The hat suits him much better.


Turns out that sweet potato soup isn't as good as regular potato soup. It was decent... but it just wasn't really my thing.

Thursday Night DnD was great... Was that because it was mostly a roleplay session? Yes. Was it because the session let me have a moment with another player who I always enjoy roleplaying with? Also yes. Was it also because it resulted in having another one on one roleplay moment with DM Fluffy on Friday to wrap up my character's bit of storyline without having to make the rest of the table sit through that.

Friday Night DnD was a return after two weeks off. And somehow, for some reason, I never printed off my character sheet after we leveled up last game. I leveled up, I just never printed it. Stupid me. Thankfully I had enough time before the game to borrow Mr's computer and do myself a serviceable version for the evening. Once again, also very much a Talking About Things session. But we very much organised ourselves into a party when, at this point, we didn't have much of a reason to be (outside of "because that's what the adventure says happens").


Not much to report for today... although I did get my hands on the tea I tried to get at Coles last week (turns out that it wasn't actually available until the beginning of last week), so very excited about that, given that I've been waiting for this tea to show up in Australia since 2020.

But nothing else beyond general supermarketry.

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