
photo saturday: 18th blogiversary realness

glim - illusionist, entertainer, raconteur

Happy Blogiversary to me! Tuesday was my 18th Blogiversary to be exact. So, yes, my blog is now 18 years old and can buy alcohol, gamble, vote and get an intimate piercing... then take a picture of it and send it to someone.

Yeah, that slightly got away from me.

But still, I've been banging away at this thing for the same length of time as an actual adult person. Scary that. Even if it is mostly just a once a week update and random DnD characters these days.

Speaking of same.

After last week I realised that other than my couple of wizard characters, I don't tend to fuck around with potential wizard designs, because it's not really my preferred arcane class, sorcerer all the way baby. So I started considering potential wizards for this week's DnD Character Colouring Book.

And although they lean into it less in 5e, a Gnomish Illusionist was a staple of previous editions. Also, I do love me a bitch who is extra. So that's how we ended up with Glim Glittergem (because nothing says extra like alliterative names) and his blue furred rabbit familiar, Horcusporcus, or Horcy for short. In a perfect world he might be wearing a top hat, but all the Hero Forge top hats are a little too goofy looking.


For some reason I've had a brain fart the last two weeks and ended up making soup that was a little too thin. But then it was pea and ham, so it was generally okay anyway.

Thursday Night DnD was... weird but good. Mostly weird because everyone was really timid about going into Obvious Bad Place... and I have the traits "I must know the answer to every secret, no door remains unopened in my presence" and "I care about the truth above all else, even if it doesn’t benefit anyone"... so, good times.

Also when you basically invent perfectly reasonable backstory in the moment based on things that happen. Although we also had to fight a fight we basically could have avoided because everyone else wanted to go right and I wanted to keep going left. Granted one of the players also got a cool magic item out of it, so not terrible.

I also just realised that given the magic item we found at the end of the last game which my character kept, he's now a big old nerd in glasses. Which I kind of dig.

Friday was also Chiro Day, which was good, because I was sorely in need of an adjustment, no pun intended.

Friday Night DnD definitely didn't go according to how I thought it would. But it was still good. It was a late night though, we left at 1am, and I didn't probably get to sleep until around 2am. And then woke up at 6. So, I'm gunna crash out super early tonight I think.


For the aforementioned reason, we didn't do anything beyond shopping today.

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