
photo saturday: hello lover

Let's call this week's DnD Character Colouring Book, the answer to a question nobody asked. But rather, knowing a certain player and the character they're currently playing, what's a character that would get under the skin (not necessarily in a negative way) of that player AND that character.

Also, it's trying to embody the vibe of "she's going step on your neck and you'll enjoy it" in a character.

The weird thing is that I make a lot of different warlock characters, but I'm not really that excited about the actual mechanics of the warlock. They are one of the most interesting classes to build a character around though. The Genie Patron is one that I either want to basically make Aladdin or lean into the elemental heritage for, hence the Air Genasi. Also, I just like Genasi.

If this was a character who actually saw table-time, I think the dress may be turned into either tartan fabric or potentially I'd mess around with the colours to see if I could get a vaguely velvet look out of it.

The stupid thing with characters I think about as back-up characters is that I always know what their "entrance line" would be... it never ends up happening, but it gives me a way into thinking about the character I guess. In Blast's case... "Hello lover". 


This week has been about three and a half months long.

In keeping with the overall theme of the week, which is "nothing ever works out like it should", this week's soup was probably the worst version of chowder I've made in a while. I mean it was tasty, it was just too thin. Thankfully a little cornflour generally fixes that problem.

Sunday night I had to do a banking thing, which should have been easy and something that took an extra 12 seconds to complete. Turns out no, because fuck me I guess. So that turned into my dumb ass standing on the doorstep of the bank when they opened at 9:30am on Monday morning and getting the problem fixed (why the problem occurred in the first place, nobody fucking knows), and then trying to access the banking on my phone with the shitty reception in the bank. What felt like 900 years but was probably 5 actual minutes later, everything was fixed. But still... I slept like crap on Sunday night, because I kept thinking about the issue that needed to be fixed.

Moving along.

After Chiro Day the other week, I'd been getting some weird cold sensations in my legs and put off going to see my chiro because surely it would improve over the week. It didn't really. So once I got back from the bank I called and managed to get in to see my chiro later that day.

Turns out it wasn't a major issue, more of an offshoot of the problem that keeps recurring, but in a vaguely positive way (if pain is the default, and that lessens, your brain doesn't know how to process a different set of feelings, it defaults to cold or vague pins and needles or such... so, yay, I guess?).

But then I caught the wrong bus home. I mean, it wasn't a disaster, it was one of the buses I used to catch to the old house, and I got off at the closest possible spot to current house and instead of the walk home taking me about 5 minutes, this took maybe 15-20 minutes. Also not the worse thing in the world to walk a little more and shake out my back after a chiro visit.

There was also no DnD this week. DM Fluffy was On Holiday, so the Thursday night game was already marked down as Not Happening, but he had intended to be back for the Friday game, but developed Holiday Cough. So, no thank you sir, you keep your interstate diseases to yourself, thank you.

I did also go back for a follow up with my chiro on Friday just to make sure everything was still where it was supposed to be.

So that was basically my week. It doesn't sound like a lot... it just felt like it stretched over a Very Long Time.


Brief sidebar.

Women He's Undressed is a documentary about a very famous Hollywood costume designer called Orry-Kelly. Basically if you can think of a famous movie from the 1940's to the 1960's, he may possibly be the costume designer. Jezebel, The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, Arsenic and Old Lace, An American in Paris, Oklahoma!, Auntie Mame, Gypsy, Some Like It Hot... all him, or the women at the very least.

Plus he was also, at one point, in a secret relationship with a very famous Hollywood leading man.

It was, when I found it, free on YouTube. Worth checking out if costumes and old movies are your vibe.


Today was... not much of anything.

Basically, the supermarket, then wasting some time here before Ma went home.

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