
photo saturday: silver lady

sister nerys - valkyrie, knight, protector

So this is why I like to do my research when it comes to DnD Character Colouring Book. Which mostly means digging into things from old editions, because for whatever reason, 5e is hideously allergic to providing actual information about the way various races might live or worship their gods or whatever, for reasons that I really don't understand.

In any case, I was just playing around with half of an idea for a female dwarf paladin and went to look at the Dwarven pantheon just to see what interesting god or goddess she might worship, and found one I hadn't really explored before, Berronar Truesilver, goddess of home, healing, marriage and dwarven home life. And is also the wife of the main dwarven god.

And back in 3e they would put out these books about the gods that included how the church was organised and also if they had "affiliated orders", which mostly covers knights and the like. Which is where I found a mention of the Berronar's Valkyries, who were female warriors who would observe battles from a distance and swoop in if dwarven warriors where being overrun or if a dwarf was too badly hurt to withdraw. I'll be honest, the overall feel of it was good and slightly sexist all at the same time, but I like the idea, so tweaked it to the idea of Truesilver Valkyries, who wade into the battle with the other warriors, but they act as field medics, protectors and rallying the other warriors. And seek both their own glory and to inspire glory in others.

I also love the idea of these warriors in armour that just shines on the battlefield, and in this instance, the disadvantage on stealth from heavy armour is because it catches the light constantly rather than because it makes noise. And that her cloth garments would be made of some kind of cloth of gold, but, you know, cloth of silver. Which seems like something dwarves would be into making. The very subtle inlay of the goddess's symbol on the weave of the cloth (which barely shows up in the image) also amuses me. Likewise having the symbol embossed very discreetly on the shield boss rather than splashed across the whole shield. Originally I was going to go for horns on the helmet, but I like the silver wings on either side.


I made up a mostly vegetable soup this week but sliced up a stick of pepperoni and added that in, so the whole thing had a bit of a spicy kick to it, which wasn't bad at all.

There was no Thursday Night DnD this week, surprising nobody.

Friday Night DnD was more talking... and then the plot kicked in in ways that I did not see coming. But then you don't really expect a wizard's tower on a cloud to show up and the cloud giant wizard just lay out the entire plot in the least elegant way ever. So there's that.

We were interrupted about half way through though by a very surprising instance of the two cats who are usual the chillest babies ever fully going at each other in ways that shocked everyone. So, basically, pause for cat drama.


We did the supermarket thing this morning, surprising nobody.

Then we went to the movies (more on that later).

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