
photo saturday: shadow guy

Sometimes you just end up with the most basic or perhaps most on-the-nose version of a character when you're fucking around. So today's DnD Character Colouring Book is dedicated to that idea.

It started, as many things do, with the idea of a sorcerer. A Shadow Sorcerer specifically. And so, the most on-the-nose version of that is a shadow-skinned tiefling wearing all black/dark grey.

I don't hate it as an idea. I also worked out, after the fact, that if I used him as a replacement character for the Friday night game, he would absolutely be part of Mr Grumpypants' backstory in some way and the two of them would potentially hate each other.


This week's soup was beef and rice... and very thick, because I put not only the rice but also some cornflower, because it was a little thin before I did that. Yeah, turns out two different thickening agents make for thick soup, who would have guessed.

Thursday Night DnD was good... between the massive amounts of rain that had continued throughout the day. But DM Fluffy pulled a bait and switch on my character, which made me [confused labrador face.gif] both during the game, directly after the game and the day after the game. So, you know, the same thing I did to him during Witchlight.

The less said about the fact that I then came home and managed to spill milk all over the kitchen counter and floor and then had to mop and clean and it was a whole thing and didn't end up being able to do what I was going to do with the milk... the better.

Friday was Chiro Day, so, there's that.

Friday Night wasn't DnD... but it was Slightly Unfulfilling Board Game Night. And I can't even be salty about it, because it was my choice of board game and it was just a little... m'eh. And then we followed that up not actually playing a game but just asking each other pop culture trivia questions from the cards. Can I remember the name of the game? No. It was green though. Oh, there it is... it was Geek Out.

So basically we sat around asking questions like "Two Comic Book Characters with Red Hair" (Wally West/Kid Flash, Roy Harper/Arsenal, Jimmy Olsen, M'gann M'orzz/Miss Martian, Mera, Kate Kane/Batwoman, Archie Andrews, etc) or "Two Named Disney Kings/Princes" (Prince Eric, Prince Charming, King Stefan, Prince Adam (Beast), King Fergus, etc). Which was fun. Even if I disagreed with the game's stated interpretation of "franchise".


Today was more or less a rerun of last weekend. Although we did go to the new Coles in Norwood... which is lovely and shiny and new and it still won't make me want to shop there, but it's good that it's there for those times when the Foodland doesn't have specific things I want.

Then we did a brief trip to a different Kmart, in order to try and find something for Ma that it turns out nobody has because it's on clearance. So that was a lot of sound and fury signifying not much of anything.

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