
photo saturday: rogue gotta rogue

kohl - acrobat, thief, knife throwerbeltran - acrobat, thief, knife thrower

Rogues gotta rogue, man... rogues gotta rogue.

I love rogues. I think I may have mentioned that before. And not just because halflings make such good rogues. The idea of an acrobat/dagger throwing thief rogue is definitely appealing.

I also love Nightwing. Or at least the Grayson/post Grayson version of Nightwing. Which is really what inspired this particular rogue. And I also have a very early Hero Forge printed mini of this character.

Kohl is... maybe the third or fourth "version" of this idea. Or maybe he's just had three or four names. And honestly, Beltran is kind of a reinterpretation of the same character. Because I might want to use Kohl for something... at some time... maybe. Also, his visual look, the dark hair with the freckles was based on Cameron Boyce... so I feel a little weird about that now that he passed away.

Beltran is kind of a weird character, I initially imagined him differently... maybe even with a shitty Spanish/Inigo Montoya accent. And with a very different set of personality traits. But the first time I played him was way back in March or April last year... online... when I wasn't excited about the particular adventure... and so maybe I leaned back on vaguely sarcastic and annoyed. And a totally different character emerged. So much so that I had to rewrite his traits.

I need to play him again though... see how he turns out at an actual table. 


So... this week was... it was okay. 

Wednesday we had the second session of the new adventure series... with me running. It went pretty well. I always enjoy almost killing characters. Sadly, I'm not sure if the later adventures are going to be as... well written... interesting... something... as this one. We'll see.

Then Friday we actually had a game, after missing the last two weeks. And we started the new campaign. It was... good. Weird good. Because new characters who don't know each other yet, new DM, new in game location, new positions at the table. Just new. Much many new things. None of them bad.

And given that this is a palette cleanser, there's a lightness to diving into something different. Something new. Something without baggage.

Also, there was general fuckery because the Department of Wheels and Road has decided to tear up the one road we use to get to Mr and Mrs place. And we had to find a new way around... get completely lost following other people who also had no idea where they were going and eventually find a way around. It wasn't super stressful, but it was a pain in the ass.

Switching gears slightly... I have a fucking rental inspection on Tuesday... so that's a thing. I mean, it's fine, but also a pain.

Today... basically play the tape.

Supermarket. Unpacking. A little YubTubs. And then we took a little trip to Spotlight and Officeworks because we wanted to check a couple of things from the Spotlight catalogue (which all turned out to be blah), and I needed fresh blue highlighters. Because I seem to go through blue ones faster than other colours. For some reason.

And that was it really.

Current mood:

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