
photo saturday: the path not chosen

inky - tattooist, traveller, trickstersam'ael - flirt, prince, inquisitor

So with our Friday night campaign over, I no longer have these two strange but delightful boys waiting in the wings in case of sudden death.

Firstly we have Thaddeus "Inky" Oakfoot, halfling tattoo artist, monk and cleric to one of the more obscure halfling goddesses. And I made him before magical tattoos were officially a thing. So now he'd be even more fun to play. With the Eldritch Claw tattoo or the Coiling Grasp tattoo or the Masquerade tattoo. The selection and addition of his tattoos was fun, but I will say that I enjoyed coming up with the history of his tattoos even more, and the fact that he'd basically been in or around all the major cities in Faerun right before the events of the major adventures. That his halfling luck told him that he really needed to head somewhere else before everything went to shit. Also, I do really want to play a Trickery Cleric at some stage.

And then there's the bisexual disaster and horrendous flirt that is Prince Sam'ael. Tiefling noble from the sixth level of Hell, Malbolge and inquisitive rogue, both in the general sense, but also in the more specific rogue subclass sense. Which is all about detecting lies and being perseptive and stuff. I might have mixed a little bard in there, but honestly, I was probably fairly over bard by the time he would have been coming on line. His backstory is a little fluffier, just because I didn't nail it down completely, and had Nightingale died I would have needed to take a second pass at it. I do know that I wanted him to have Glamoured Studded Leather armour, so that he could have been running around in what looked like an open fronted jacket, but really, he was securely wrapped in armour.

Weirdly, they would both of had English accents. Inky was definitely my terrible Cockney/London accent, which I enjoy... and Sam'ael ("Call me Sam darling") would have been some version of an "upper class" British accent. Of the two, I would kind of loved to play Sam'ael more... he would have been a different mood in Avernus. And within the party.

I do now need to come up with some idea of a back up for the next major campaign though.


Speaking of which, we did the wrap up this week. We were supposed to do the wrap up and play games... but we started late, and went later than expected on the wrap up. So just the wrap up.

But it was nice to put the characters to bed fully... and as much as I liked the wrap up we did for Out of the Abyss, it was nice to have the extra week to really think about what the future would hold for Nightingale.

And, mostly, it was all good stuff. There were some surprises along the way, a few things that were set up but didn't pay off (which was good... because I don't know what I would have done with the main one... funnily enough though, the lack of payoff was caused by the person who put the wheels in motion in the first place... so ya screwed yourself over there buddy, sorry). And it was nice to finish out the adventure with two of the original three characters giving each other the same amount of shit as they ever did. I even gave her doomed love affair if not a happy ending, then a successful conclusion.

But that was also the only DnD game last week. We were supposed to start the new storyline on Wednesday, but then we were down one player and a second player had some personal stuff to take care of, so I just deferred the whole thing for another week.

Otherwise... yeah, there was a "public holiday" this week that wasn't any different than any other fucking day for me right now.

Today was solo shopping, since Ma was getting her hair did.

And you know those moments when you go "oh I should get that, I used up the last of what I had" only to get home and discover that yeah, you had that same thought last week or maybe the week before. And you already bought one. Yep, three times.

I came home, unpacked, chopped some strawberries to macerate in balsamic vinegar, because yes, and had been sat down for like 10 minutes when Ma arrived.

Really we didn't do much of anything. And then she headed off just after noon.

Current mood:

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