photo saturday: old lady druid

nanith - wanderer, druid, caretaker

Weirdly, I thought I'd dropped an earlier version of this character... but clearly I did not. But this week's DnD Character Colouring Book isn't one of my characters, it's the one and only character Ma made, when she asked me to run a solo game for her and then I organised a game with some of my Adventurer's League chuckleheads, including Fluffy.

And this was her character, Nanith, a Wood Elf Druid. 

It seemed fitting, given that it was Ma's birthday this week.


I started off with potato, bacon and dill soup this week. I mean potato soup is pretty hard to mess up too badly, and I was using little pieces of bacon, so it was pretty good overall.

Then there was the fun and games that is Cleaning For A Rental Inspection. Not that it was overly arduous this time around. At least up until the point where I was vacuuming the carpet in the bedroom and the vacuum, which had given me some amount of grief during the previous inspection, just flat out stopped working.

Nothing, nada, zip, zilch. One minute it was working perfectly, the next minute, it just turned off and wouldn't turn back on again. While I still had a small circle of unvacuumed carpet right in front of the bedroom door.


So... I grumbled about it for about 30 seconds and just got on with things, because what else was I going to do? But I was pretty much all done by about 1pm, which isn't bad, given I started around 9, and wasn't exactly rushing through things. And, honestly, I definitely spent a bunch of time waiting for the floor to dry after I mopped.

I also spent more of the afternoon laying down in order to let my body recover. Because old and broken.

Tuesday, I got my shit together early, left a note for my rental agent saying "soz about the carpet but reasons" and headed out to the library near my old apartment. I ended up sticking around longer than I needed to, because I was so close to finishing my book. And then I detoured to Burnside Village to grab some lunch before heading home.

Insert usual comment about post-inspection house being best house.

Thursday I picked up books from the library, and then ended up going on a quick excursion to pick up a DVD that should have been on the way, but the third movie in the series showed up before that second one.

Thus, rounding out my Marvel catch-up (because fuck Guardians) was my literal least favourite entry into the franchise... Ant Man. Or more specifically Ant Man and the Wasp plus Ant Man and the Wasp Quantumania as a double feature on Thursday night.

I honestly don't have a lot to say beyond the fact that I don't find Paul Rudd funny or charming and hot or whatever other people seem to be under the delusion that he is, and I never have, also, these particular movies lean on the type of "comedy" I just call cringeworthy.

The second movie (AMATW) is.... fine. I mean, it's cringy more than it needs to be, and it has both too many villains and no actual real villain, because the person who you're supposed to label as the villain is just handwaved at the end of the movie into being Not The Villain.

And Quantumania is... a delusional fever dream that would be a complete dumpster-fire was it not for the fact that Michelle Pfieffer literally improves every single scene that she's in, even the ones where Bill Murray shows up for literally no well explained reason.

The literal less said about MODOK the better, because the IQ of everybody both in the movie and watching the movie drops like 100 points every time he's on screen. That was a mistake. Honestly, the whole damn movie was a giant mistake. But seemingly, due to the fact that the actor playing the bad guy is, himself, a human dumpster fire, it looks like they won't be revisiting that storyline any time soon.

Glad to have ticked them off, but yeah, they were as bad as I thought they were going to be.

Friday Night DnD was us being less stupid, but possibly angrier. Which makes sense for the characters. Or possibly just my character. And because this campaign just seems to spend a lot of time throwing things at the party even when we're already trying to get something else done.

So even though we were pointed at Plot Thread A, Plot Thread B presented itself as an option, which we rejected and then it turned out that the thing we were headed to in order to activate Plot Thread A was actually sitting smack dab in the middle of Plot Thread C.

Which meant a session of sorting out Plot Thread C and a combat encounter that literally took about 12 seconds (in universe) to defeat the guy we needed to defeat.

Also, because there's only three of us, and my character can make additional magic items, we're already tripping over magic items, and it's only going to get worse as we go along. I feel like maybe it's the DnD Universe correcting the fact that we haven't really had that many magic items in the last couple of campaigns.


Today was, technically speaking, Ma's Post Birthday Birthday Day... 

We did the usual supermarketry, and then Ma wanted to go do Looking At Things at Spotlight, so we did. And maybe I got more yarn, that I have no idea what I'm going to do with, but it was too pretty not to pick up. So, for now, it's going to go with the last instance of the very pretty yarn that I don't know what I'm going to do with.

And then we went to North Adelaide and picked up some pies and nostalgia at Perryman's Bakery. Because, you know, it's in North Adelaide and I was there for 20 years, so... [cue high pitched cat wailing singing] memmmmmmmmmmmmriesssssssss!

After that, because we were already halfway there, and they were having a sale, we took a little trip out to Lincraft in Sefton Park. Also, memories. I will say, back in the day, I much preferred Lincraft over Spotlight, because Lincraft seemed like they had their shit together and they had more things and it was just nicer. And then, at some point, something happened and now, they're just kind of... grubby. I mean, not literally. But it always feels... disorganised and a bit of a mess. We also didn't find anything good there, although they had some pretty yarn.

And that was it really.

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