
photo saturday: dancing devotee

micah bigheart - dancer, devotee, warrior

So... the new DnD Players Handbook is coming soon... and they're going heavy on the reveals right now, and I'm pretty excited. Then we combine that with coming across a whole subReddit full of Hero Forge poses that are very much "due to a glitch" and not repeatable by anyone who doesn't know what they're doing. But also, some of them definitely need to be real poses. Like this one. I get why it's not, but also, c'mon, get a little crazy.

Which results in today's DnD Character Colouring Book... featuring the new Bard subclass that is basically a Monk/Bard hybrid and that I'd almost be tempted to go back and give the bard another go for the College of Dance Bard.

Micah is one of three triplets, and the Bigheart Brothers are all involved in the Church of Lliira, goddess of joy. And because her symbol is generally three different coloured stars (yellow, red and orange), each brother has a costume featuring that colour, Micah being yellow.


Soup this week was my lasagne/pasta sauce soup... which is so damn good, but this one was particularly good because I grated potato, turnip and parsnip which thickened up the soup nicely. I also very much love the broken up lasagne noodles that go into it.

My movie choices for this week were a little bit all over the place. But I'm enjoying watching things that I missed out on when it was at the cinema, or that I had kind of written off as being a little bit trash. And I'm happy to be proved wrong.

First up was The King's Man. Both the third in the Kingsman series and a prequel. Starring Ralph Fiennes, Gemma Arterton and literal human wallpaper, Harris Dickinson. But it also very much positively surprised me at certain points while also being a Kingsman movie. Thankfully it's also been a while since I've seen the previous two, so some of the Very Obvious References that they shoehorned in because it's a prequel floated over my head. Not all of them, but mostly the King Arthur references.

Next up, Bumblebee. Yes, a Transformers movie, after I swore off the franchise because it just got too fucking dumb and ugly and jumped the shark. But, you know what... Bumblebee is actually really damn good. The Transformers look like updated 80's versions of the characters for the most part, and because there are only really a handful of robot characters with dialogue or significant screentime, it was less of a "indistinguishable CGI robot punching other indistinguishable CGI robot, cut to same thing with probably different robots, it's hard to tell". And Bumblebee was always my boy. It was also directed by the guy who directed Kubo and the Two Strings, so that certainly helped.

I also, knowing it was going to be trash, sampled the dumpster fire that is Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. It's bad. Like very, very bad. The script is bad, the leads are horribly miscast, the effects are empty calories. It's bad. Don't see it. I shouldn't have.

Lastly, I did a double-feature of Deadpool (which I haven't seen since it came out, regardless of the fact that I own the DVD) and Deadpool 2. I'm glad I did the double feature, because they do work well together. And, elements of it managed to be genuinely emotional. Other elements, mostly the character played by Julian Dennison, didn't. Maybe it was the script, maybe it was the way Dennison was playing it, I don't know. But I just found him annoying for the most part. And yet it managed to grab me in the feels on occasion.

I've been crocheting... something... this week. Originally it was supposed to be a blanket. But then the yarn I'm using is probably a little thin for the kind of blanket I kind of want. And maybe the hook is a little too big. And maybe the stitch I was trying didn't come out exactly the way I wanted it to. And maybe I'm going to frog the whole thing and work out some other way to go with it. I might also need to put this particular yarn to one side and try something else for a while. Or go back to making little granny squares.

Friday Night DnD was very much once again Telling People More Things Than We Probably Should: The Game. But, you know, also, collecting potential allies and favours and such. And it got us where we needed to be, so, you know, overall net positive.


The usual supermarketry this morning. And not much else... although after Ma left, I took a quick trip to Burnside Library to grab some DVDs, since all the ones that I currently have on order are... somewhere between there and here currently.

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