
photo saturday: eater of waffles, inventer of zips

dibbly - sorcerer, inventor, friend

So, for various reasons, having played with the Thursday game for so long, I have a collection of OPC, or Other People's Characters in Hero Forge. And when I was going through and updating all of my own characters, I decided, fuck it, there are some characters that I could just make what we'll call "fan art" of. Your character is your character, even if it was made a long time ago and is kind of m'eh... I'm going to make my own version of it just for me.

And possibly because of that reason, I pushed this particular model further than I perhaps normally would with the facial posing and the implied action, but I love how it turned out. And it's very much on brand for this character, one of Pery's party mates from our Out of the Abyss game.


This week's soup was Halfling Everything Soup... only, I forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer on Saturday, or even Sunday morning, or even any point before late Sunday afternoon. So I had to just stick the frozen breasts in to let them soften up enough that I could chop them into small pieces. I was honestly unsure if it was going to be a disaster or not, but it worked out mostly good in the end.

I did something different for movie nights this week... the Sandman TV show, season one. And it was... not really my jam. I was looking, for maybe, more Sandman in my Sandman TV show. Or more interesting stories, I don't know. The episode with Death and Hob is outstanding. Everything else is... fine.

And Sandman himself would fluctuate between being really damn sexy and weirdly blob jawed depending on how they were shooting him on a shot for shot basis.

I loved Vivienne Acheampong as Lucienne and Kirby Howell-Baptiste as Death. However, the amount of actors who have guest starred in Doctor Who was slightly egregious. I mean, understandable since that show, Game of Thrones and "The Boy Wizard" have essentially been keeping the British film industry alive for the last 20 years.

And even as a gay man, the queer representation in the series is, likewise, slightly egregious after they introduced the 12th or 14th constitutive queer character. I mean, sure, great, but also whut?

I tried starting something with the very pretty yarn I bought last weekend... and I thought I was doing well, making something that was maybe going to end up as a lap blanket or just a generally small blanket... but when I rolled it up at a certain point, I discovered that one end was just a diagonal line, because I'd been fucking it up.

So, we're going back to Frog Town, and I'll start over, maybe make a giant solid granny square instead. I dunno. It took me all week to start on anything, and now I have to start over.

Friday was Chiro Day... the weather was also terrible. And once I'd chatted with the receptionist about crochet, had my appointment, wandered around the three places I wander around every time, I just decided to get on an earlier bus, which turned out to be one of the ones headed to the old apartment. Yeah, that was a dumb. But it was a dumb I've done once before, so I knew where to jump off.

But that also happened to be the time when the heavens opened and all of the rain decided to fall precisely on me. While I was only carrying a small umbrella, and this, like one of my other umbrellas has started to develop leaks from the inside, somehow.

So I got home basically soaked from the knees down and all down one side. Urgh. Good times, good times. Thankfully, cranking up the heater dried everything off relatively quickly.

There was no Friday Night DnD this week, but Fluffy and I did movie night instead. Yes, movie night, where we punished ourselves with a terrible movie that we knew was going to be terrible, because Fluffy is, in fact, a masochist and wants to inflict mental trauma on both of us. I guess that technically also makes him a sadist, because he wanted to inflict it on me also... whatever.

After that Hot Mess, I continued Fluffy's Movie Education with one of my favourites, Dangerous Liaisons. I love that movie so damn much. It was also interesting seeing it through somebody else's eyes, because Fluffy both made a connection about one of the characters that I hadn't consciously made, despite the number of times I'd seen it and also made me look at the whole movie with fresh eyes.

So, good for all concerned. And he enjoyed it more than I thought he might... or rather he enjoyed the movie and the performances while also hating the characters, which makes perfect sense.


Today was pretty average. Supermarket and then me acting as "tech support" (because, honestly, it wasn't really tech) for Ma after she called the ISP and they didn't fix the issue they should have very easily fixed. Grr.

That was it though.

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