
photo saturday: dynasty forebears

adric and rosie - criminals, lovers, forebears

This week's DnD Character Colouring Book is actually the foundation upon which I built last week's images. Because I'd been messing around with updating the extended family of my first ever DnD character, who have existed as Hero Forge models since the very early days, and then started putting the various couples together on the same image.

So we start here, where it all started. Me getting inspired by Kate Welch's Rosie Beestinger character from the Penny Arcade DnD series, Acquisitions Incorporated: The C Team, who she very kindly opened up the Beestinger clan to the fans as something they could use for their own characters.

And, I'll be honest, Rosie is the start of my obsession with all things halfling. It fully solidified with playing Belben. But it starts with Rosie. So of course my character is the great grandson of Rosie. Other people were making direct "children" (mostly adopted), but I wanted a more direct line.

Consider this my fan-art of Rosie though. Because, at the point these two were together, she wouldn't have been a Monk yet, she may have been a Pirate Queen at the time honestly... but her backstory is still a little vague and fragmented (also, I gave up on both Acq Inc and C Team during the pandemic). I just liked how these two looked together. Also the green and purple combo of Adric and Rosie works nicely.

And yes, outside of Rosie and Belben, all of Belben's family have Doctor Who related names. Some direct, some indirect, some that are very, very obscure references. So we start with my favourite Fourth Doctor companion (and yes, I know he hung out with the Fifth Doctor also, but I never really vibed with Five), who I had a massive crush on when I was a kid... Adric. And interestingly, it turns out that Matthew Waterhouse who played Adric... gay. So clearly I must have been picking up the vibes... lol.

This mini is 1000 miles away from his original "too much armor" look, but honestly, it was when I just picked the kneeling pose on a whim that he really came together. Also, not gunna lie, adding pins/brooches to people's outfits since I did that with Inky... definitely a thing right now.


I attempted to restart/finish my rainbow hexagon crochet cardigan this week. Cuffs/ribbing is hard you guys. I ended up in a worse position than when I was when I started, because I managed to undo previous work. So I got very annoyed and undid it back to a previous point before I started closing in the sleeve openings.

And then put it back in the box so it could think about what it did.

Instead, I started making the scarf I'd been planning on, using the same yarn as the cardigan. It wasn't a bad plan. I hadn't done anything for the last two months essentially, so I'm a little out of the groove. Plus, the best thing about crocheting a scarf longways is that you can wear it while you're making it. And I did.

I still don't know what to do about the cuffs. Urgh. I think it will be very much a me Inventing Things when I get back to it.

This week's soup was good old reliable potato and leek.

No Thursday DnD this week because we're so close to the end that it doesn't seem completely fair to anyone who has to sit out. Granted, there are some people who could not be there and it wouldn't really impact the story one way or the other... but, you know... the theory holds.

Friday Night DnD was... a lot. Firstly, we got to the point of the adventure where the give you all the things you need to do for pretty much the entire second act, maybe even into the third a little bit. Plus we got to unpack some personal drama along the way, which, thankfully, I have very little of, having built an orphan with few connections for this particular campaign. Because the last two major campaigns were quite enough for my characters honestly.

Also, I got to put a long standing opinion to the test... for whatever reason, my brain just rejects the idea of Bread and Butter Pudding. I mean, I know what it is. I know that's it's basically just old bread, presumably butter, milk, eggs and sugar... but still my brain goes... "nah". For reasons that slightly escape my memory now, Fluffy made (well, Fluffy's Ma made) a very boujee one with dark chocolate chips and rasperries for Friday night. And I was 100% willing to be convinced, I was down to go "well, fuck my life that I've spent all this time not enjoying this clearly very enjoyable thing". I was right there.

It's wet bread.

It's wet.... bread...

If it had not been for the chocolate and the raspberries (and I'll admit, the golden toasty bits on the very top) I would not have been able to make it through a bowl. I nearly pulled the rip cord just based on the fact that the texture of it looks like you're slicing into somebody's brain stem.

And, I reiterate. Wet. Bread.

No thank you.


Today was less of going in directions other than the ones I wanted to go in order to get to the supermarket, so that was good.

And like last week, afterwards, we went to Haighs for broken Easter egg... which, like the last couple of years I believe, was actually broken/beheaded duckies.

Which is fine. Because so long as it's the same kind of chocolate as regular egg (which I believe it is), I have no issue with a beheaded duckie.

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