photo saturday: the beastmaster and the baker

melody and brandien - beestingers, romantics, travellers

And so, we reach the parents of my very first DnD Character for this week's DnD Character Colouring Book. Originally this was going to be a double post with the parents as adventurers and then as small business owners, but something else came up, so we're just going to do the adventurers this time.

Keeping on the Doctor Who naming theme... we have Melody Longpond. And, honestly, it shouldn't take much guessing to consider which "water/music themed" character she's a reference to. Dad Brandien is a little more... convoluted. There's a book from an older edition which has a "build your own halfling name" table, which has a table of syllables that you can put together in various ways.

It's how I worked out, after the fact, that Peregrin (or Perygren to give it it's "halfling spelling", translates to various things, my favourite of which is "Loyal Baker". In this case, Brandien translates to "Adventurous Blue"... or, you know, a certain big blue box.

Brandien also carries the bee logo from his father's career as a bard into being a symbol for this branch of the family, having armour made with it, and also having a pin/clasp made for Melody once they started dating/got engaged.

Interestingly, the bakery thing actually comes from Grandmother Rosie... her character was a baker/cook, and, so it had to filter down the family line. I feel like Bran learned directly from his grandmother, and then everyone else in the family learned from him.

And, of course Melody had a peregrin falcon beast companion, because I was completely obsessed with them throughout my teenage years for a variety of reasons. Admittedly, the Hero Forge paint decal is only... about 90% there. Also, white armor on a ranger just screams "impractical as fuck", unless of course, you're an arctic rangers. She was not.

But sometimes you just go for the vibes.


This week was Chicken Noodle Soup... and, I have to say, it was really, really good. Possibly thanks to a liberal helping of dried thyme. And, also, butter.

DM Fluffy and I did a quick solo follow up session from last Thursday's DnD game, because neither of us intended to suck all the oxygen out of the room by doing it at the table. Plus, I much prefer doing those things away from the table if you can, because the rest of the party wouldn't know what happened anyway.

I went and took back the black fabric dye at the start of the week and bought some new socks with the refund.  Then I went to Bunnings to ask the nice man in the nursery/plants section what the hell was up with the little bug things on my (20 year old) parlour palm. And got a recommendation for some lovely chemicals.

I also sprayed the palm... and will spray it again in a couple of weeks... so, fingers crossed.

I ticked off "finish the crochet scarf that you started to avoid finishing the cardigan that your brain tells you is too hard to finish" from my To Do list... and it looks pretty good. Attaching tassels nearly broke my brain for any number of reasons, but I got better as I did more of them. 

Now I just need to resist the urge to start on making small granny squares with the same yarn to make myself a lap blanket. I need to work out how to finish the fucking cardigan. Because we've now reached the point where I should be wearing it. Argh.

Thursday Night DnD should have been a no-brainer. Because it was also a public holiday. But people can't get up early, essentially do nothing all day and still be functional humans for three hours in the evening. So, fuck the rest of us I guess. And, as previously mentioned, we're too close to the end to really not have everybody on deck.

So, honestly, my decision to step away from this group when we're done with this campaign just keeps reinforcing itself. Because while I enjoy them as people for the most part, this group is now dysfunctional bordering on passively aggressively falling apart. And to that I say... best of luck boys. I'll come back if you don't implode.

Friday Night DnD was... traps, spiders and a very lucky, very himbo barbarian... that we kind of lost our minds over and ended up riffing on it for more time than was sensible... including inventing a TV show. And then on the drive home Fluffy mentioned turning the Hero Forge model I'd made of said character after our last game and making a promo image for said TV show. And it just screamed 80's to me.

Honestly, it's very much a "You Had To Be There" thing... but, also, I was kinda proud of the final result... even if trying to do the "fake TV still" process did take me far longer than it should have. And I had to go back in at the last minute to change the colour of his eyes to blue, because I forgot that they were blue.

It's very dumb, but it amuses me.

Garrr! Fifthdays at 6pm Coastal/7pm Moonsea


Today was pretty standard. Supermarket, then home, when we ended up just watching a movie before Ma toddled off home.

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