
photo saturday: then vs now

belben - spy, trickster, bakerbelben - spy, trickster, baker

How It Started vs How It's Going

I don't remember exactly at what point in the process of starting to manually colour Hero Forge character is was that I did my first ever Good Halfling Boy, Belben of the Beestinger Clan, I feel like I did a version early on, but circled back around and redid him later in the process.

Weirdly (or not), while there are some of the manual colouring final versions that I really like, and that are better than the versions I did after Hero Forge introduced colouring. Sometimes it's about texture, sometimes it's about me adding in things that the website can't do because of the limitations of an item that needs to be 3D printable.

However, this isn't one of those better ones.

Part of the problem is that his whole outfit, including the bow, hair, spell effect, everything, is all Hero Forge 1.0 stuff. And, honestly, all of that stuff needs a do-over.

So, when they dropped yet another great outfit this week, I ended up playing around and using the top and the "thief pants" that I'm obviously obsessed with, because strappies and pouches and kneepads.

Actually, that's a lie... I started playing around because they also released a freckles decal. Woo! Freckles!

I also gave it some Photoshop tweaks. Mostly the bowstring and the glow on the Mage Hand. The boots are also a Franken-Photoshop edit. Or the addition of the wings at least. As is the bow... because there's still only one actual shortbow. It's an actual bow... I just resized the arms.

So, behold today's DnD Character Colouring Book, Belben 2.0.


I'm going to skip over a lot of this week... because I disappeared into my own head/up my own ass very early in the week and didn't emerge for a couple of days.

But I did make the first CHOW-DAH (sorry, I literally can't NOT say it like that) of the season. Not the best version ever, but tasty.

There wasn't any Thursday DnD for reasons. See also two paragraphs previous.

I also made a decision that I'm going to finish out the current adventure we're most of the way through and I'm... taking a break. Not forever. Maybe for a while though. But, honestly, I need a break. For my own mental health.

Friday DnD was three hours of wrap-up... entirely roleplay, just sitting around the table talking about the futures of our fictional characters. And it was good. Cathartic. Things just came together in the way that they needed to.

So, now it's my turn.


Today was the supermarket as usual, and then after coming back here and unpacking we headed off to Good Guys because I wanted to take a look at a new TV and talk to a nerd about printers.

What is super fucking weird to me is that I look at the TV I have now all the time. I should now what size it is. But no, looking at TVs the correct size in comparison with all the gigantic TVs they have, they all looked too damn small. The TV man was also kind of a douche. I mean, he wasn't really, but there was definitely some miscommunication going on for a hot minute.

The guy in the computer section, however, was lovely. It's always the nerds, it was the same with the woman we went to see when I bought this laptop originally... and the printer... and the netbook. She was great, which is also partly why we went back to see her so many times. This guy, also very personable, very knowledgeable.

He also talked me though my printer confusion in a way that definitely made a lot of sense.

Not that we actually bought anything, you understand, today was very much about Looking At Things. And getting a better idea about how we should be thinking about things. Plus, the TV I want isn't even in stock yet.

We also did a quick yet pointless spin around Kmart, because I wanted to look for something I assumed that they would have that they absolutely did not have. Fun times.

And that's all there is about that really.

Current mood:

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