
photo saturday: the boxer and the bumblebee

iona and javic - beestingers, boxer, bumblebee

Last week we hit the great grandparents... this week we have the grandparents. Back when they were adventurers. Because everybody in that line was an adventurer. Or at least all the direct antecedents on that side of the family.

Also, this combined shot of Iona and Javic became more of an action shot given that it looks like Javic is casting a healing spell on a beat-up Iona. I also do love the idea of a relationship between a physically strong woman and a socially strong man.

And keeping with the Doctor Who name theming... Javic coming from a certain greatcoat-wearing, bisexual former time agent... and Iona being an imperfect female version of the name Ianto.

I also like to think that Javic was known as Bumblebee when he was an adventurer, because of his outfit and his surname, and created the bee symbol that became important to the family line going forward. And the text on the lute gives it the name of Honey. Because of course.


This week was Lasagne Soup... which always sounds dumb, as I've probably said in the past, but it gives you exactly the right description for what it is. Technically it's also just "pasta sauce soup", but I make it with broken up lasagne noodles, so... you know. It is good though.

I also managed to embed a teeny tiny piece of glass in my foot after breaking a glass. Because that happens when you don't realise a piece of glass smaller than a grain of rice has fallen on the other side of the kitchen counter and you turn on the spot...

And it takes two days for you to be able to dig it out of your foot with tweezers. [shudders]

Thankfully, it was the part of my foot that is thicker skin and it wasn't continually painful for two days.

Otherwise, I kind of finished my crochet scarf... but I don't like the way I finished it, so I need to undo the last row and try again. And I haven't gotten there yet.

Thursday Night DnD happened... and was all going... very well, until the last five minutes where my character ended up being teleported/transported to a different version of the room we went into than everybody else... which is where the bad guys where. Well, some bad guys, a bunch of mind controlled NPCs who used to be our friends and the character that is the alternative universe version of one of the PCs... yeah, DnD is fucking weird.

Is my orc boy having a slight saviour complex that will lead him to do something incredibly stupid? Oh absofuckinglutely. Will I try to be at least a little bit smart about it? I mean, I'll TRY... but his personality trait it literally "nothing is more important than life, and I never leave anyone in danger", plus he's in a room that enflames his passions. Fuck... he's gunna die isn't he...

Well, I can go invisible 6 more times... so... fingers crossed.

I'm also going to try to have a pre-session with DM Fluffy in order to at least get a sense of what I'm doing while the rest of the party fumble around and do what they do. So we don't have to cut back and forth between scenes. Because if I'm doing a dumb, I don't want them to feel like they have to try and find/save me.

Because I'm definitely going to do some kind of dumb.

There was no Friday Night DnD because small children and school holidays exist. So I ate bread, drank gin and tonic and rewatched Mad Max Fury Road, because I'd read a book about the making of it and wanted to rewatch it.

I will say that I stand by a non-zero amount of what I said after I saw it originally. I did kind of like certain characters more, understanding some of the backstory a little more. But I feel like it's a movie where the title character is actually unnecessary and... honestly, while having almost no dialogue, actually has all of the literal worst dialogue in the movie. And Tom Hardy is giving a solid C+ performance against most of the major characters giving an A performance at worst.

And Nux is still my favourite character.


Today wasn't much of anything.

Supermarket, then some sharing of things on the YubTubs... and that was it really.

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