
photo saturday: jungle explorer

Did I need to redesign a character I legitimately forgot to make for the longest time? No. But I looked at her and went "what the hell was I thinking?", so I started fucking around with new ideas. And since there really aren't any ears that are perfectly suited for what I want, I threw up my hands, went "fuck it" and put her in a hat.

Had I ever referenced her wearing a hat before? No. Am I ever actually going to sit down and play her ever again? Also no. But it made sense, given the location she lives and works in.

And is everyone probably going to get their second, third, fourth or in some cases thirty-second makeover when the new face customiser drops sometime soon? Yes. So look forward to that or whatever.


Pea and ham soup this week... and by ham I mean kransky. And did I completely fuck up my process and have to extract all the piece of kransky from the soup pot because I put it in when I shouldn't have? Yes. Am I asking a lot of questions and then answering them this week? Also yes.

I attempted a second recipe from the Baking Yesteryear cookbook this week. And... is it possible that the finished product was always going to be bad? Maybe. Is it possible that I used a different kind of sugar and then forgot two other ingredients so the end result was never going to work? I mean, it's more than possible, that's literally what happened.

On the plus side, the pastry was fantastic (which I did not make), and I want to use it and my new little pie tin to make a real apple pie very soon. So that's a bonus.

But I think I came to a realisation I've kind of had in the back of my head for a while. I'm an excellent cook. I'm a shit-house baker. I mean, of anything other than bread. And in situations where the recipe relies on very specific ingredients in order to resemble the thing it's supposed to resemble.

Because baking is about precision much more than cooking. And there are recipes that absolutely don't care that much and there are other recipes that absolutely care. I seem to have come across two of those recipes in this book thus far. Which is fine. I'm just more fully aware of it than I perhaps have been in a hot minute.

Thursday Night DnD was pretty good actually. And the pay off for last week's Bad Brain Day was actually getting to say all the things I thought about saying after last weeks game. In character to an NPC. Because it all needed saying. And kind of changed to vector of what we were intending to do.

Granted we also discovered right after that that there were at least three other locations we could have gone for the same information, including, weirdly enough, our own innkeepers. But I feel like it was more important for my character to have his moment than for us to go see NPC B and get the information from them.

But mostly we did one of those sessions where nothing much gets done, but we all enjoyed ourselves and will remember it fondly. Which I think we needed in character after what they've been through of late.

Friday Night DnD was... board games. Mr was otherwise absent, so Fluffy, Mrs and I did Board Game Night instead.

Which basically resulted in us doing a lot of chat, playing some games of Sushi Go and Love Letter while continuing to talk rubbish. Which did mostly centre around Mrs and I remembering places that no longer exist on O'Connell Street. And terrible 90's boy bands.

So an enjoyable evening all around.


Today was basically the supermarket. Did I also buy normal white sugar, which I haven't purchased in... I dunno... 15 years? Yes. Yes I did. Because, if baking wants white sugar... well, what the hell.

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