
photo saturday: pick a card

madame fortuna - reborn, sorceress, warlock

You want to know what's dumb? And I think I've said this before... but I don't even really want to PLAY a warlock. I just really, really dig all the things you can do with one.

And this is also what happens when your DM makes a comment about the level of sass in your PCs. So you think to yourself... "can I make a non-sass character?". The answer is clearly yes. But also, why the hell would I want to.

It did however lead me to thinking about a character who is... pointed in a different direction than my Thursday Night character. Mostly... what if you want from a character who was deeply involved with the gods to a character who the gods were actively not interested in. Or that your former character's god would disapprove of. And then I got into the idea of a fortune teller who the Goddess of Fate disliked, and the Goddess of Luck was ambivalent about. Which then led me to flavouring a component pouch for spellcasting as a deck of tarot/divination cards.

Also, someone who had been dead, stopped being dead for some reason unknown to even herself, but had no memory of who she had been beyond waking up clutching those cards.

That's before we even get into the Shadow Sorcerer/Undead Warlock of it all. And that potentially her Warlock Form of Dread isn't just physical, what if it's that "The Others" take over. Others... Other... not completely sure. It might also be that that's the thing that's keeping her alive and giving her her powers rather than a fully external patron. A vengeful ghost took over a freshly dead body, reviving up the woman inside in the process and comes when it's called to wreak revenge on the living. Maybe?

Madame Fortuna is only her stage name, obviously, but the name she remembers is Lila.

The whole concept has been through a bunch of variations through the week to be honest.


the others - dreadful, spirits, shadows

Yep, this is a three parter. But mostly just the art, not so much the story. Also, am I obsessed with this purple/grey skin tone? Yes, yes I am.

This week was Not Really Minestrone Minestrone soup. And pretty good, but then that always is. If I do say so myself. And I do.

Thursday Night DnD was... thinking about it... not much of anything. Also, very, very, very much one of those sessions where I really wish we were a group of 4 instead of a group of 6. Because sometimes I just cannot.

As I've said before, there are times when your brain can't separate D&D memories and emotions from Real World memories and emotions because you're taking your brain to the same place regardless of whether it's imaginary or not.

So I had a Bad Brain Day on Friday.

Which was also Chiro Day... so there was the ritual Saying Things To My Chiro which helped a little. And the usual Wandering Around Looking At Things.

But then we called off Friday Night DnD due to sick smallperson, so I just let my brain do it's own thing, ate too much good bread and caught up on videos that had been cluttering up my Watch Later list.


the others - dreadful, spirits, shadows

To round it out... an action pose. Which is technically a slightly modified body from the last shot, but I'd been fucking around and ended up here and really liked it, so I just went with it. You can see that the belt pouch is kinda sorta a skull motif here too. But the earring kind of blends into the shoulder.

Today was supermarket.

And not even that much supermarket to be perfectly honest. I mean, it took the regular amount, but we didn't buy a ton of stuff. That happens sometimes and I have no idea why really.

Beyond that we didn't really have anything we wanted to do, given the last couple of weeks, so we just called it early.

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