
photo saturday: jack woods

jack woods - magician, courtesan, agent

Let's call this one a "companion" piece to a different rabbit hole from a little over a year ago... Lord Silver.

But rather than Blades in the Dark, this rabbit hole is the Candela Obscura system from the folks at Critical Role. And I'd been attempting some version of this character for a little while, even though the full rulebook isn't out, but then a Reddit contest spurred me on to actually get the idea to actually work. And come up with something of a backstory.

Jack Woods grew up in Seasway, a small, coastal village to the east of Newfaire. The family home wasn't far from an ancient lighthouse, and growing up under it led young Jack to develop a fear of deep water from repeated nightmares.

He left home at 16 and came to Newfaire, eventually finding work in Red Lamp as a "gentleman's companion". He has also posed for a number of the artists that call Red Lamp home. One of those relationships first brought him to the attention of Candela Obscura when he was 19. He's been part of the organisation for two years now.

As a Face/Magician, Jack can talk to just about anyone, but growing up under the light of an ancient astrolabe did allow him to learn one real trick. Changing his appearance to look like somebody else.

He carries a set of brass knuckles tucked in his jacket in case of trouble and never forgets to bring a lamp when his Circle ventures into the dark.

Granted, in the contest instance, I used a different surname... because I originally I wanted to go with Jack Wood... but that ended up feeling like too much of a double entendre for someone who is a sex worker. He could also be a different "class", but I kind of like the idea of the Face.

Did I also Photoshop the hell out of this by adding lighting and reducing the size of the lantern from something that came down to roughly the end of the cuff on the boots? Yes, yes I did. Did I also do a lot more work to it after I submitted my contest entry? Yes. Do I wish I'd waited and submitted this version? Also yes. Are his shoulders perhaps a touch too wide? Possibly. I was trying for more "human" proportions... so, who knows.

Also, have I mentioned that one of my very favourite boys names is Jack? Because it is.


The weather this week has been certifiably bass-ackward for this time of year. Starting out warm, ending with literal rain and wind coming up from the Antarctic (after doing a little loop and then coming down from the north) by the end of the week.

I mean, I'm not excited about the warmer weather being on the way, but also Literal Winter in September is... some bullshit.

Soup this week was... Chicken and Rice. But not the best version of that that I've made this season. Not horrific though. It could just have done with more... everything?

Thursday started off... well, not strong... but it was raining a little but I figured, I'll take my umbrella, I'll be fine. Yeah, I came home with wet shoes, wet socks... wet... everything from the waist down basically, because the rain was both heavy and at about a 45 degree angle. So... fun?

Thursday night DnD was good... but also semi frustrating for a variety of reasons. Firstly, everybody I play with can kiss my ass if they ever say that I talk too much in game. Because I was attempting to get other people involved in things so that it wasn't all me... but everyone else was just "well, you talk, you do it". Also, yes... but at the same time, you don't get to complain about it ever now.

But mostly I kid. Mostly.

It was otherwise good... did I break a guy's finger to try and get him to tell me things? Yes. Should I have broken more fingers? Also yes. What? He had information, I wanted the information, he tried to non-lethally shoot me and kidnap someone from the party. He needed more broken fingers.

Please note: I am only advocating for graph-paper broken fingers. On people who are definitely bad guys. And who attacked me first. For legal purposes.

Friday Night DnD was... our first actual DnD session in like a month. And that's usually the job of Thursday Night.

So it took a minute to align my head back to my big bird boy.

It was also one of those "spiraling gently into insanity" sessions. Probably because of the aforementioned break. But we'd had a plan... the DM had prepared the plan... we didn't stick to the plan. Which normally means that something wacky happens. In this case, it meant that nothing much really happened.

Which is fine.

We also levelled up, so that's nice.


Today was... let's go with wacky.

We did the supermarketry. Then we came back and I'd asked Ma to teach me how to do a thing... which, you know, is both dangerous and turnabout is, in fact, fair play. It went... about as well as I expected it to go initially, which is completely badly, and rather than being frustrated, I kind of lost my mind a tiny bit.

But I kinda got it. And then I didn't... and then I really didn't... and it was a very amusing disaster.

And then we went to Spotlight and bought things so it can be a disaster later. Or I can practice it being less of a disaster. I don't know.

I also found a very stupid, yet adorable, "bat skeleton" amongst their Halloween things. He's very dumb, but is now hanging, upside down, from one of my bookshelves. I might need to try him in some other places.

But that was it.

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