
photo saturday: sparks and popcorn

Young Sparks had been fully designed and was sitting in the folder as a potential DnD Character Colouring Book... and then Hero Forge went and dropped some lava and lightning body decals yesterday. So he definitely got a do-over.

Also, my first Fire Genasi. And first urchin background. Plus the first time I've used the extra arm feature to put something where it otherwise wouldn't have been able to be. Specifically, the rat familiar. Which is why the tail clips through his body. But overall, it worked out pretty good.

And yes, it's another warlock in the Too Many Belts Pants and Vest With No Shirt combo. Sue me.


The weather this week has also been... bananas. Remember last week's "arctic winds"? Yeah, I had to give up and put the air-con on this week, because it was just too damn hot on Thursday. Also, Thursday was so completely insane with the amount of wind and therefore pollen in the air, so I was completely hayfever's bitch all day... well, at least until I left the house in the evening.

This week's soup was Lasagna Soup. And pretty damn successful too. I know I've said this a lot about many different soups, but it was potentially the best version of that I've made. Look forward to next week where I just complain that the soup was nothing special, because I'm flying without a net or much of a plan honestly.

Wednesday I ventured into the Baking Yesteryear cookbook for the third time and made something that actually looked like the pictures for a change. Which is what happens when you actually follow the recipe properly.

Granted, the final product, Potato Chip Cookies (yes, you heard me.... they have both potato chips in the cookie dough AND are rolled in crushed up chips afterwards) was... interesting. They've kind of gotten better over time, or else I've just used to being blasted with salt. I think possibly the particular brand of chips I used might be more salted than their American brethren.

Although, I do wonder what they'd be like if you used BBQ chips... maybe one day.

Thursday Night D&D was... uuuuuuurgh [head desk] [facepalm] fuck [nose bridge pinch] [wtf.gif] ARGH [flip table] [old man yells at cloud.gif] Why are you like this?

I think that sums that up nicely.

Friday Night DnD was much less chaos. We came, we saw, we kicked Hill Giant ass. I made a commune of lesbian farmers canon by accident.

T'was good.


Today was one of those Second Verse, Same As The First weeks.

Supermarket. Back here. Spotlight for craft project supplies.

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