
photo saturday: how many feathers

nine feathers - digger, explorer, creepy

At some point I want to play another tabaxi character. I've played a couple, albeit one of those for a very short period of time. And when we were potentially playing a different adventure on Friday after I finish DMing, I had a different idea for the type of character I wanted to play.

So this week's DnD Character Colouring Book was a potential version of that character. Nine Feathers, the tabaxi archaeologist who was also a warlock.

Because if the game you're going to be playing involves a very powerful undead creature, why would you not accidentally either link yourself to that creature OR to some other force that is in opposition to that creature.

And if you're going to be wandering through abandoned buildings and ruins, why wouldn't you be an archaeologist.

But then the adventure changed, so poor old Nine Feathers just sits in the tray of abandoned characters for the rest of time.


Dinner for this week was tuna mornay. I still don't think that I've completely found the balance between "very spicy" on the day it's made vs "does this actually have spice in it" by about the middle of the week. It's a hard nut to crack.

However, everything about it was pretty much perfect. I do need to buy some breadcrumbs before next time though. Or abandon the crust altogether.

Hey, guess what. We finally had Thursday DnD. After not having had it for a month. And it wasn't bad. We are headed off to all points "not my backstory", which is something of a relief. Right up until the other half of my backstory rears it's ugly head. Because it will.

It's also interesting that various bits of my boy Dax's personality became clearer to me this game. Well, more so after the game when I was thinking through some of the "why". But that's the case with real actual people also. It also became very clear that he's something of a horndog. Not overtly, but definitely at his core.

Friday was... much.

Because the Norwood Christmas Pageant blocked my access to the supermarket (without going all the way around), I did my shopping at 7:30 on Friday morning. Which was actually a good time to do it and I got everything done in under half an hour.

Then it was back here to unpack, have actual breakfast and then kill some time before heading out for this month's chiro appointment. And thankfully my appointment was 15 minutes later than usual, so I had enough time to go to Greenlight Comics for their Black Friday sale, where they had 50% off DnD book and dice. So I grabbed one of the books and three sets of $3 dice. Woo. Because I'm a dice goblin. Shut up.

Friday night DnD was good... not least of all because, just like last year, Mrs (and Mr) gave Fluffy and I the same dice advent calendar she got us last year. I will admit, I'd looked at it earlier in the week, and I'd wondered. With no expectations you understand. But when we walked in and I saw two identically wrapped boxes on the dining table, I knew.

So, yay! And this year I don't need to hook one piece of technology up to a different piece of technology every day in order to actually get the photos of the dice onto my Instagram. Which is nice. So look forward for that daily update Instagram followers.

They've just made it to the final section of this chapter. I mean, there's enough content left to keep them occupied for at least a couple of weeks, but I feel like we're definitely going to be done by February. Probably.

Depends on how much they screw around I guess.

I did pause the game right before the third and final hag made her entrance. Well, her speaking entrance. Because it gives me an extra week to work out what the voice is ACTUALLY going to be (I mean, how do you voice someone who looks like dried out beef jerky in a veil and a big skirt?) and how I'm going to handle them. I have a plan, but I don't want it to be... too easy for them.

My biggest worry as we start to enter endgame territory is just sticking the landing. I want the things that I've added (and the things that are part of the actual game) to be impactful or interesting or mean something to the characters. The worst case scenario is for me to go "hey, a thing" and the table to go "oh... ok I guess".

I mean, I very much doubt that will be the case, but I also hope I haven't built things up too much. Especially with Fluffy's character.

Time will tell.


Today was... weird.

Because I didn't do anything. No going shopping super early. No Ma coming down first thing (she came down in the afternoon to drop some stuff off/pick some stuff up though). No anything. And I got to relax and have actual breakfast with last night's leftover bread. So that was nice.

And then listened to that one bagpipe band that is in every single Christmas Pageant ever. I mean, sometimes there's more than one, but there always has to be at least one.

And then I put my Christmas decorations up. By which I mean I tried and failed to put the big red glittery bow on the screen door and ended up tearing the, admittedly cheap and old, plastic. And then I put up my Not Lego wreath on top of the bookcase by the door and put out my "Oh my god, how the fuck has it lasted for this many years and nobody tell it how old it is or it might stop working" Neon Christmas Tree and hung up the ribbon that has my Christmas Piglet, Tigger and Eeyore hanging from it.

Oh, and I put the vibrating pull toy reindeer on the table behind my chair and then I called it a day.

Because why would you want more than four Christmas decorations?

Current mood:

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