
photo saturday: fugitive recovery agent

ranya duskgrove - scout, bounty hunter, rogue

Remember how I said that I was only going to be making a single backup character for the Thursday game...yeah... that didn't last.

I mean, it's partly the fact that we already have two arcane casters in the group, both of whom took Find Familiar, so adding a third familiar to the group just feels like overkill. And the fact that I've been musing about the setting specific Pallid Elves with their pale skin, white blonde hair and totally black eyes for a while now... even before I realised that they got advantage on two skills that I like using a lot.

So... today's DnD Character Colouring Book is my (mostly final) Thursday backup character, Ranya Duskgrove. And I have a way to link her into things if it comes to that... or at least a number of hooks that I can present to DM Fluffy and say "these are all possibilities, tell me which one you wanna work with". The easiest of which is "she's a bounty hunter, who has she been told to track down?".

Also, I really do want to play a rogue. Even if my current rogue dies. There is also a secondary Cleric character somewhere in the background, depending on how dire things get along the way, given that we don't actually HAVE a cleric. And she does have a hook... I'm just not quite as in love with her as I am with Ranya right now.

It's weird, there's often just something about the visual of a character that clicks for me. It then helps if the character build speaks to me, but if the visual isn't there, I often don't get much further than that these days. Oddly enough, she did start life as a tiefling. And I liked the tiefling version but something just wasn't clicking. So I tried out a pallid elf. That was, as they say, a bingo. I did pay slight homage to that aspect by putting a male tiefling in as part of her backstory.

Fingers crossed I never need to actually bust her out. But it's good to be prepared.


I made chicken cacciatore for the first time ever this week. I mean, I've made it out of a jar before, but that's not the same thing at all. And it was really, really good. Definitely a possibility of turning it into one of those rice based soups next winter, or just a soup in general really.

I did manage, somehow, to slice my finger open while chopping onions. I don't even really know how, because the cut is on the hand I was using to hold the knife... I think I dropped the knife or the knife slipped out of my hand or something, and I went to grab what I assumed was the handle, only to have it turn out to be the bottom of the blade.

On the plus side, it was a very shallow flesh wound. Which did mean that it bled like a motherfucker. But at least a small collection of band aids sorted me out, and while it's still visible, it's closed up and on the mend (barring the edge of the flap of skin, which will wear away eventually, it's just not there yet).

It could, however, have been worse.


This week was... a non-starter.

The weather was predominantly Wintery. And both DnD games got cancelled. Thursday through a missing player, Friday because Fluffy finally caught the spicy cough. Granted, he found out Thursday, so if Thursday hadn't been cancelled for other reasons, it would have been cancelled because of that.

So, yeah... nothing really to report on for the whole week.


Today was fine. Given that the weather is going to be warm I kind of ended up getting ingredients to make about four different things. I don't necessarily know what I will be making, I think I'm going to just see what happens during the week, and what I feel like. Which, of course, will mean that I have to cook on more than one day. And that's why I much prefer soup season. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

After that we finished the errand we started a couple of weeks ago and took something back to IKEA to exchange for the same item that Ma hadn't fucked up by not following the instructions.

So that was it really.

Current mood:

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