
photo saturday: the friendly skies

hali - maker, gunner, flyer

You know how they say that time is a flat circle? Yeah, I have no fucking idea what that really means either. But I do know that at a certain point in DnD character creation, I got all the way around and start coming back the way I first approached things...

Which is why today's DnD Character Colouring Book is a return to the idea of an artillerist artificer. But instead of a smart little goblin raised by dwarves, I started playing around with an aarakocra... or bird person. This one based around a number of different sea eagles. Which is where the name comes from, because it's the Latin name for the group. Only without the apostrophe in it. But more specifically, a mix of the White-bellied Sea Eagle and the African Fish Eagle. Or as close as I could get with the Hero Forge colouring options.

I've played with the idea of aarakocra before... and also owlin, the owl version, but never for very long because, honestly, the original version can be a little overpowered and Adventurer's League didn't allow flying races up until recently.

I'm not completely settled on "sage" for his background. That's one of the issues I generally have with artificers... there are like three "good" backgrounds for them. Sage, Cloistered Scholar (which is basically "librarian" and Guild Artisan. I mean, there are others, like Clan Crafter, Noble, Acolyte... but it always feels to me like you're not going to make a sailor artificer or an urchin artificer. I mean, maybe you can... I just can't find my way there easily. So the background is the thing most likely to change.

And yes, that's the same armour set I've used for about... 3 dozen characters at this point. Including a previous artificer and two other characters sitting on my desktop. It had all those straps and details and it just looks really fucking cool.

What I do know about Hali is that he is more of a hermit/loner than the previous artificers. He's much more going to have been somewhere isolated, with only a small collection of other people. Maybe a temple, maybe a monastery or something small, high on a mountain somewhere. I don't have a full backstory worked out yet, but he's brewing in my back brain as we speak.

I also like the idea of him using the hand held Eldritch Cannon from above, or swooping down, dropping the larger walking version into battle and then flying out of range. I just wish that Hero Forge had more things that were interesting enough to stand in for the cannons. That aren't just, you know, guns. Because that's boring.


Can I just ask a quick question? What the actual fuck was up with the weather this week? Last weekend was thunder and potential hail and rain and whatnot. Then it was all hot and ick and then we got massive thunderstorms and rain and whatnot in the middle of the week... and we're back to thunder and storms and the like now. And it's November. What the fuck?

So, food was weird this week also. I made a quiche, I also made what might be one of the best potato salads I've ever made... and because I had eggs and milk left over at the end of the week, I made pancrepes. Of course, that means that many eggs were consumed during the week.

Otherwise, the week was about as much of a non-starter as last week. In that there was no DnD. Because of Fluffy and the Spicy Cough.

I did go and pick up the book I requested from the local library. Which, it turns out, is fucking tiny. It's cute and sweet, but really, really tiny. And, now I have officially borrowed a book from the library for the first time in more than 20 years. Woo.

And it turns out that certain libraries also have an arrangement with certain websites to let you access movies for free using your library card. So, there's also that. If only I'd done this shit earlier.


Today wasn't much of anything.

We did the supermarket thing... bought a metric fuckton of Bundaberg's Spiced Ginger Beer because a) that stuff is liquid fucking Christmas, and b) it was on special.

And we were possibly going to do other things... but then the big black clouds rolled in and then it started raining... and we kinda didn't bother even attempting to go anywhere.

So that's that about that.

Current mood:

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