
photo saturday: easy being green

grandmother muhd - matriarch, wise-woman, healertoru - bear friend, shepherd, traveller

For this week's DnD Colouring book, I'm dipping into the "I love the art, but I'm probably never going to play this character" section.

I realised this week that I quite like playing goblins. Or at least I have. I only have the one right now, but I enjoy him. And I think I could enjoy/would have enjoyed Grandmother Muhd (pronounced "mud", obviously). Grumpy wise-woman, slightly chaotic cleric and possible matriarch of a large goblin family, Muhd could have been fun. I like the eye makeup and the black feathers, the human skull on a stick, the big chunky beads. It all works for me. And I love a Grave Cleric.

Honestly, I think I love the texturing I did on Toru more than the actual character. But I do love the bear head on top of his turtle/tortle head. There's something absurd about that that speaks to me. And I really like the Shepherd Druid. I like druids in general honestly. Which is good, because I'm planning to play one in an upcoming campaign.

This week was... fine.

Wednesday I ran a D&D game for the first time since... I don't know... June I guess. And the first time in person since last March. It was okay. It's not a great adventure, but the magic item is nice... so... swings and roundabouts.

Thursday I made relish again. I said last year that I needed to stop buying peaches and nectarines and a glut of tomatoes in Summer, but somehow I didn't learn and had a vegetable crisper full of all of the above. So I made some nice spicy relish, which hopefully will retain some of the heat when it has sat for a couple of weeks. I kinda need to experiment a little and make one with just tomato at some point. Maybe when I've finally given away/eaten all the jars sitting in my cupboard of my previous efforts.

Friday I had chiro, so I took two jars of relish into town with me, gave one to my chiro and then went to see Owlgirl at her work, went for coffee and a good old chinwag with her and gave her the other jar.

Friday night's DnD was a weird one... just me and Fluffy... because, you know, we split the party last week, so this week we caught up with what our characters were doing. Which meant that Mr wasn't with us at the table, because his character wasn't with us. So that was strange. Honestly we didn't do anything all that exciting... we could have done some more stuff, but the bag with all the stuff we needed is still sitting on Mr's character's belt. Annoyingly. Because I'd been thinking about taking that off him for a few sessions and never got around to it.

But we had a nice time and then we finished up the session playing Dungeon Mayhem and talked a lot of tabletop smack, which I love... both the smack and the game to be clear... and not just because I won two games out of four.

Today wasn't much of anything really.

We did the supermarket thing. It felt like we bought too much stuff, but having put it all away, there didn't seem to be an excess of stuff, so who knows.

Then after the unpacking and the ritual YubTubs, we went into the city so Ma could use the gift card from Dymocks... which instead of attempting to get the next book in the hideous series I couldn't even finish the first book of... I showed her the "The World of Critical Role" book they had on the shelf and she changed her mind. So a win all around really.

We did the usual wander from one end of the Mall to the other, poke our nose in at Typo... then wandered all the way back to the car and called it a day.

Current mood:

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