
photo saturday: ferries


Lady Herron, the "double ender" ferry in the top left was quietly retired this week along with her sister ferry Lady Northcott. Which is super sad. I mean understandable if the maintenance costs were five times the newer boats... but still.

These photos have all appeared in the blog previously, but it seemed appropriate to bring them all together for today.

In other news... it's been 84 years. Like, just generally, it's been 84 years... 84 years since my last post. Or since the last time I left the house. Or something. I dunno, this isn't my best material.

Mostly because it's been 84 years.


Two and a half games of DnD this week. Well. Two games. The half a game was either a game nor DnD. Have I mentioned it's been 84 years?

On Monday the Friday group did a different thing. Which was fine, but honestly, I'd kind of rather just been playing more of the Friday game. Especially since we didn't actually play the Friday game on Friday.

Wednesday's game was... functional. I mean every body did well, and there were a few interesting moments, but given that the Wednesday game is voice only, it definitely didn't work as well as it has done in the past. Also, it's possible the group isn't the right group for this particular adventure, I dunno. I'm not sure if I want to run again... not because of this, but just generally, I don't know if running online works for me honestly. I dunno.

I dunno a lot of things at the moment honestly.

Friday was supposed to be DnD, but we had a last minute drop out... or I got told about it last minute... or whatever. So instead we just hung out, played some video games online and ended with a tour of my DM's Animal Crossing island. Because everything is about Animal Crossing right now. Except me. Because I don't have a Switch. And if I did have both a Switch and Animal Crossing I may very well forget to feed, bathe and dress myself.

But if someone wants to send me a Switch and AXNH, I'll take that risk.

Otherwise, literally nothing this week. I made chicken noodle soup, with ramen noodles. And it was decent.

This week I'm just going with flat out potato soup. All blended up and stuff.

Oh, they announced a new Assassin's Creed game this week. By way of the most ridiculous 8 hour livestream photo manipulation of a teaser image that a) was obviously vikings when I tuned in a couple of hours in, b) incredibly tedious to watch and c) either specifically done to be long and drawn out given that the artist seemed to be changing the same things over and over and over again, only to then totally cover those details with later details. Yeah, let's not do that again.

The trailer looks... very pretty. But I went back through some of the trailers for the last few AC games, and they all have very much a focus on being an assassin. Sneaking, freerunning, what have you. The most over the top version of that being Unity, where a wave of free running hooded dudes flood through the streets of Paris. And in the Origins trailer you don't even see the main character until like the last ten seconds of the thing.

And I still maintain that Odyssey isn't actually an Assassin's Creed game because a) it takes place 400 years because the canonical beginning of the assassin's brotherhood, as featured in Origins (also the game is fucking called Origins) and b) no hidden blade.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla doesn't look especially assassin-y either. The trailer is just one big battle. And yes the hidden blade is back... but yeah, the series seems to have gone in a different direction now and I don't think that direction is for me. Which is fine. Especially if they're going to put more of those dumb sailing/boat missions in (which they totally are going to do because longboats), because I'm so fucking over those... since Black Flag basically.

I also understand that there's a whole base/settlement building mechanic... which is... fine? But it that means the settlement will get attacked continually and you need to defend it, I don't know I'm that bothered.

Stupidly, the one thing that is a draw for me is that in this one the bird companion that has been with you in the last two game returns... as a raven. Which it originally was supposed to be I believe. And makes sense given the setting. But... raven!


Compared with last week, today's supermarket trip, today was super chill. Granted we were there a little earlier than we have been of late. But yeah, it was much better. And the shelves are starting to refill slowly.

After shopping we headed to Haighs to see if they had any of the broken eggs left. Sadly no. But we'll live.

Then we came back here, did the YubTubs thing, then Ma went home around 1pm.

Current mood:

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